Friday, May 14th, 2010 (The Suspiciously Light Edition)

May 14, 2010 20:18

Do you have a Doctor Who community or a journal that we are not currently linking to? Leave a note in the comments and we'll add you to the who_daily reading list.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the high posting volume and the quantity of information linked in each newsletter, who_daily will no longer link fanfiction that does not have a header. For an example of what a "good" fanfic header is, please see the user info.

Off LJ links

Gallifrey Newsbase: Info about Doctor Who Adventures 166.
Den of Geek: Spoiler-free review of 'Amy's Choice'.
Anglotopia: This Week in Doctor Who.
Blogtor Who: Review of Series 5 Vol.1 DVD.
The Geek Files: Simon Nye on his Doctor Who episode.

Links selected from many sources including: og_news, tardisscanner, blogtorwho, Google News and the BBC official site.

Discussion and Miscellany

tainted_crimson: A few questions for Doctor Who fans.
goldy_dollar: Top Ten Doctor Who Episodes.
i_17bingo: Were there Doctor Who "conventions" before 2005?
deathbymutation: If you could ask the Doctor one thing, what would you ask?
acciochocolate: May's Atlanta Gallifreyan meeting is Saturday the 15th.
louisedennis: Thoughts about Rory and Mickey.

Communities and Challenges

whochorus: Challenge reminder for challenge #42.


Completed/Single Part
Stronger by malicehaughton [Mickey/Rose, hints at Mickey/Trisha | PG]
A Sight Worth Seeing by angstytimelord [Tenth Doctor | PG-13]
Good To Be Home by timesurprise [10/Rose | G]
John Smith - Her Doctor by mrs_roy [John Smith/Rose Tyler, Ten/Rose | G]
No more stopping to smell the roses by someplacetobe [Amy, the Doctor | G]
Rationale by quirkysmuse [Amy/Eleven | PG]

Works in Progress
Twin Solitudes (20/?) by doctorsdiva [Ten/Rose, Jack, OC | NC-17]
Moving Forward Series: Bits & Pieces 01 - To be Immortal by othermewriter [9/Rose | PG]
Moving Forward Series: Bits & Pieces 02 - Out of place by othermewriter [9/Rose | G]
To Dream a Life (2/?) by wildwinterwitch [John Smith/Rose Tyler, Joan Redfern, Donna Noble | G]
Coming of Age - Changes (8/?) by the_redjay [Master/Doctor, Arc/Roda | 15+]

The Doctor's Best Friend by sleepismyfriend [Four/Sarah Jane Smith, Ten/Sarah Jane Smith | T | crossover with Sarah Jane Adventures]
Birds and Bullets by laurab1 [Sam/Annie, Gene, Chris, Phyllis, Lucia, Jack/everyone | PG-13 | crossover with Torchwood and Life on Mars]
Second Chance (40/46) by boro_girl [Sarah Jane/Peter, Ten, Luke, OC | PG]

Icons & Graphics

clouded_sun: 31 Doctor Who icons.
rodneymckay1968: Icons from The Long Game.
sakurashy: 31 Eleven era icons.

Fanart and Creative Endeavours

sidhe_etain: Questions about Ten's shoes and blue suit.


Twilight Omens by fan-eunice [Rory, Amy, Eleven]

You can reach us in the comments or at
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