In the Wind ("wind" entry)

May 05, 2018 10:08

Title: In the Wind
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,238
Characters: Donna Noble, 10th Doctor, Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich, Tsar Nickolas Romanov, Alexandra Romanov
Spoilers: N/A
Episode Setting: Before 'Silence in the Library'
Summary: the Doctor and Donna visit a ball, there's a dance, a duke, and a jewel
Authors note:  I tried to make this as factually accurate as I could, but alas I am not a Time Lord and was not alive at this time. Also...this is way longer than I originally planned, I got a bit carried away.

Donna pushed a stray piece of her out of her face, she turned to the Doctor, exasperation written clearly across her face.

“Doctor,” she paused her sentence for him to look up at her, “when are we going on an adventure? I thought traveling with you would mean no pit stops, no boring waiting. And where are we going?”

The Doctor’s eyes lit up as she asked the question, as if he had been waiting for it. “Well, I’ve taken you all over space and time, we’ve solved murders, fought aliens, and even stopped the world from ending. I think it is about time that we had a proper party,” he danced around the console of the TARDIS, flipping switches and pressing buttons, Donna didn’t really pay attention to the method.

A smile spread across his energetic face, “We’re going to 1903!”

As if contagious, Donna started to grin as well, “What’s so great about 1903?” she inquired.

“We’re going to St. Petersburg’s Winter Palace, the Romanov’s are throwing a party for the 200th anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg as the Russian capital,”

The Doctor faced Donna directly to finish his newest rant.

“You see, the imperial couple Nicolas and Alexandra, didn’t throw many parties. They didn’t quite take to the social life, but this is one of the rare occasions where they threw a party.”

The Doctor spun on his heels and raced into a room outside of Donna’s view. Out of site he kept on talking.

“This is a costume ball, we’re supposed to wear 17th century garb.” The Doctor came back towards Donna a ball gown in his arms.

“Uh, hate to break it to ya but your coat isn’t exactly ‘17th century’,”

“Hey-classics never go out of style!” he said with a playful smile.

“I wouldn’t exactly call it classic,” Donna quipped.

The Doctor shrugged and handed her the gown. “I’m wearing the coat.”

Donna shook her head, but her face still in a grin.


The sight took Donna’s breath away, and not much did that. The mansion stretched far against the frozen Neva River, everything glistened in the snow and ice. The pair made their way to the gates, a quick flash of the psychic paper and they were allowed anywhere.

Donna didn’t know what to look at, the masterful architecture of the palace, or the beautifully dressed guests. She settled to find and greet the royal couple, after all, it was their party they were crashing.

Her and the Doctor weaved in and out between the swirling dresses and furs.

“Is that them?” Donna asked the Doctor poking him to get his attention.

“Tsar Nicolas II and Alexandra Romanov.” he stated, answering her question.

They weren’t exactly like Donna had imagined, she can faintly remember seeing pictures of them some time ago, but in person they were just so real. Nicolas was short, not too short, but not like you would expect the ruler of Russia to look like. Alexandra’s golden gown was decorated in jewels, it was absolutely stunning.

Donna wasted no time making her way over to them, the Doctor quickly behind her, no doubt trying to protect her from saying anything that could compromise their situation.

“Hello, I’m the Doctor. This is my companion, the beautiful Countess Noble,”

Donna grinned at the mention of being called a Countess and curtsied, then held out her hand for a handshake. “It’s wonderful to meet you both.”

“Likewise, it is wonderful to make your acquaintances.” Nicolas said to her with a polite smile.

Alexandra just sort of nodded and stumbled across a greeting. It was obvious that they would rather be anywhere else. With that Donna said her goodbyes, “Looks like you two have had a long night, I’ll leave you to it.” Together her and the Doctor made there way to the crowd of dancing royals.

Before Donna had barely stood still for a moment she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see a man dressed in a suit, trimmed with gold and jewels. On his head rested a hat embellished with priceless jewels. “May I have this dance?” he asked. “Since you asked so nicely.” Donna replied before taking his hand, she wasn’t going to pass this one up.

They swayed along to the music, Donna didn’t quite know this dance but was doing fine imitating others around her. The Duke spun her around than pulled her close with a question. “So you and him,” he tilted his head in the Doctor’s direction. “You’re...” he had no time to even finish before Donna’s loud laughter interrupted him. “The Doctor! Oh heavens no! We’re not anything. I mean, we are something, friends. But no, I don’t have anyone if that's what your gettin’ at.” she said with a coy smile.

The song had ended and a new one begun, but neither were paying attention to the music anymore.

“I find that hard to believe. You are so-” he paused as if to gather his thoughts.

“So what?” she asked blatantly.

“Well for one thing, beautiful. But you’re different. You are not afraid to speak your mind, you’re not like other woman I’ve come to know.” he said, swiftly moving his feet along with hers in rhythmic pattern.

Donna blushed at the flattery, it wasn’t everyday she was called beautiful by a Duke. “Well trust me mister, you won’t find another woman like me.”

And for a while the two danced, her red hair flowed gracefully through the air in union with her satin dress. It wasn’t until a clock went off that Donna realized how late it was, and she had spent the whole evening dancing, come to think of it her feet were killing her.

“Countess-please,” the Grand Duke paused, searching for his words. “I need to know I’ll see you again.” Donna let out a sad smile, she knew the truth.

“I’m sorry. I’m leaving tonight,” with that she sped to get her coat, not just because there was a chill in the air, but she needed something to do. She hadn’t meant to get inside the Grand Dukes head, he was supposed to get married and start a family.

She scoured the crowed for the Doctor, finally spotting him talking with a well educated looking man. They seemed to be having a debate about who knows what, but before Donna could do anything more she felt a hand against her arm.

“I cannot let you go.”

It was the Grand Duke, he stood next to her with his hat in his hands.

“At least not without a gift first,”

He plucked a jewel from his hand and offered his hand up.

“Oh, no, I couldn’t.” Donna replied refusing to take such an expensive gift.

“Please, I insist.” he held his hands in hers for a moment before releasing the jewel into them.

“I cannot think of anyone more worthy than you to have this.”

Donna smiled and nodded, “Thank you,” then she turned to go fetch the Doctor, it was time they got going.

With that the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia watched Donna and the Doctor disappear in the wind, he knew he would never forget the woman with the fiery hair and personality.

Now all he had to do was come up with an excuse on why he gave away one of the crown jewels…

one-shot challenge

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