Exothermic ('Blaze' entry)

Oct 20, 2014 19:30

Title: Exothermic
Rating: G
Genre: General
Word Count: 246
Pairings or Characters: The Doctor
Spoilers: Takes place anywhere between 'The Night of the Doctor' mini-episode and 'The Time of the Doctor'
Warnings: None
Summary: For brief eternities, he blazes like a newborn star, golden energy spilling forth from every pore.

It hurts.

Regeneration is not--has never been--a pleasant experience. Far from it: DNA recombining, reconstituting as needed, body repairing itself, flesh molding into a new form. Dodgy at the best of times; crippling at the worst.

But it seems that it's getting more painful as he grows older. It never seemed to...burn before. The blood sears through his cardiovascular system, as though his arteries are filled with hydrochloric acid. Chromosomes char themselves out of existence, only to flare back again.

For brief eternities, he blazes like a newborn star, golden energy spilling forth from every pore.

Dying-dead-undead-alive. The same man, walking away in a new skin.

Cheating death. It's a good trick to have in your arsenal. Particularly when you're this good at making enemies. Naturally, it helps if they can't also regenerate--the Master always springs to mind when he thinks in those terms, a fellow death-cheater--but you can't always get what you want, now, can you?

No. You can't. So take what you have, and be grateful.

So he walks away again. Just as he always does. The new Doctor. Rewritten. Reborn. Renewed.

Part of the universe's greatest miracle: Life.

But the ghost of that burning stays within his memory, waiting to be relived. Whispers in the corners of his brain, delicately tickles his nerve endings.

So much pain. The process brings so much pain.

In the midst of the agony, there is always one microsecond when he finds himself wondering:

Wouldn't dying be better?

one-shot challenge #34

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