Genre: Drama/Angst/Romance/Hurt/Comfort (psychological, mostly), for sure. Also AU after "Vincent and the Doctor." Maybe deathfic (but with good reason for the story)?
Pairings or Characters: Eleven, Amy, Rory
Warnings: Angsty. Respectful of Rory and Amy's relationship, but not good for it. Possibly NC17 if I get up the courage, but maybe not.
Type of beta you'd like: Mostly characterization and plot, a bit of canon perhaps. I'm usually decent at spelling/grammar, so not too much there.
Length: Multi-chapter, estimated number of words in the tens of thousands, but the low end. I currently have about 6K, and I'd estimate about 1/4 of the story, maybe a bit less. But I know where I'm going, haha.
Short Summary: Everyone has to trust at least someone, the psychiatrist says to her. Not me, she thinks. Not Amy Pond. Not the girl with no mother or father. Not the girl who sleeps alone in a big house at night. Not the girl who waited twelve years in her garden for a man who promised her five minutes.
So... I started out really intrigued by the fact that Amy had to see so many psychiatrists as a child. And I found myself wondering what those meetings were like. And how the very human act of abandonment was made different by the alien aspects of the Doctor and who he is - a time traveler, brilliant and hopelessly lonely. I'm really in to Eleven's psychological motivations in caring for Amy, and in Amy's psychological motivations for following him, for her obsession with him, and how the cracks in time and space affected her directly. I was also just a bit bothered by some of the ways the cracks in time and space were resolved - I just wanted to see what I could come up with if I took a different tack.
I'm trying to build the type of story I love to read - good plot, good romance, good angst, and something long enough to really sink your teeth in to. The plot involves some historical travel, some interesting (I think, at least :) ) alien problems, plenty of drama and angst, but also a happy ending. I have worked out the plot entirely, but I would love to get someone else's opinion about that, as well as my characterization of Amy and the Doctor. My big warning is that this story pays respect to Amy and Rory's relationship, but it is an Eleven/Amy romance. But I believe it is lazy writing to not figure out how to get around Rory, so I've done that. So... I don't necessarily think someone who is a big fan of Rory won't like this story (I actually really like him, myself) but I want you to know he's not really the main focus going in.
I have two short stories posted on my lj
peonyinblue if you want to check out my writing - they weren't beta'd, so you can expect their quality to be of the level of the drafts I'll be sending you, if you are so kind as to help out. Thanks!