Oct 11, 2010 15:19
Genre: Life. Including: Action, Humor, Drama, Babyfic, Slash, Het, Moresome, Smut, AU, Hurt/comfort
Pairings or Characters:Rose/10, Donna/Jack, 9/Jack and others less important to the overall plot. Pretty much every major character from Journey's End, End of Time and the main Torchwood characters show up. Like life, the relationships are complicated.
Warnings: If you can't stand babies, just don't bother. Contains smut, incidental to plot. Graphic birth scenes. Some stuff may be triggering (i.e. pregnancy loss, child death)
Type of beta you'd like: Brit-picking! I have several betas based in the US. I really, really need someone to britpick. The story has been already gone over by at least one beta reader, but I'm always open to suggestions of wordings, improvement of character voice, etc.
Length: So far 215,000 words, this will be broken into 4 shorter novels. The series is at least 3/4 done.
Short Summary: What if Rose had gone with 10 instead of 10.5, and what if Donna could have been saved intact? A fixit starting from the end of DW 4.13 and spanning through the End of Time. Includes mention of SJA characters but not more than you'd get from watching Journey's End, really. You really MUST have seen up through the end of David Tennant's era, and all of Torchwood to date for this to make sense. Includes healing the Master and Jack post-COE. This deals with some hard stuff, but in a finding-peace sort of way.
Plz to email me at jenrose at jenrose dot com to ask to be added to the google doc folder the story is in for closed beta.