Hope this is okay? it's got most of the details? (Written for the fan-workathon)

Jan 07, 2013 16:55

The Deadly Curse by Ros Sawyer.
Starring 11 and Lydia Hall.
Warning: Blood and stuff inside.

Eleven had always chosen to go his own way. He was, essentially, the same man he had always been, but not. This, this essential entity and non-entity war was all that made the Doctor who he was.

He had always wondered what would happen if he meddled too much. Now he knew. Doom. Not just for him but for the brave girl who had stepped in whilst he was companion-less once again. Now he paused, staring at the sky and spoke softly.

“Oh Lydia, I am sorry.”


The sound of the girl’s voice startled him, and he span to face her, stunned to see just how openly happy she was.

“I’ve doomed you…”

“Oh, nonsense…”

Lydia turned away, bending to scoop something from the dirt, blowing what little sand was stuck to it free. She waited until Eleven moved around her, offering him the… well, that was the problem, she hadn’t a clue what it was…

“Ah, the sonic… you are smart.”

“So you said… many times.”

Eleven smirked, then walked away.

“So… what were you apologizing for then?”

“Oh nothing… nothing.”

Lydia sighed, rolled her eyes and read the wall’s inscription.

“Warning: The Deadly Curse Is Active Within These Walls.”

She paused, then sighed and shrugged.

“Oh… whatever.”

Eleven was left trailing as she made her way inside the walls, instantly felled by… something invisible. She didn’t give in however and kept crawling, determined to get to a safer place. Eleven had watched her with some bemusement, seemingly unaffected himself.

She had collapsed, finally, just inside a new set of doors, her eyes sliding closed even as he turned to lock the doors, using the sonic to lock them properly. She had woken again moments later, seemingly annoyed.

“Just what the hell is going on?”

“The deadly curse…”

Lydia’s eyes narrowed warningly and he shrugged.

“Something meant to keep out visitors… clearly.”

Lydia remained silent, slowly picking herself up and breathing in deeply, her voice low, almost too quiet.

“Let’s go then.”

Eleven sighed softly.

“Dear girl…”

“Don’t you DARE!”

Lydia span on her heel, glaring at him and speaking firmly.

“My grandmother warned me about you… I wish I had listened.”

She turned away, sulking but still getting on with the job at hand. She had ignored Eleven the first time he arrived and by now he was getting used to it.


“Shut UP!”

She had punched out at a nearby wall, her temper finally breaking through. The doors in front of them swinging open to reveal… a bedroom.

Lydia glanced back at the Doctor then smirked, leaving the Doctor staring at her as she entered, leaning over the woman in the bed, clearly inspecting her, her voice soft.

“Are you alright?”

The girl in the bed shook her head, clearly miserable. Lydia bent over the girl again, her touch light and quick as she felt for the girl’s pulse.

“What’s your name?”


“Well, Alexie… let’s see if I can’t get you out…”

The doors slammed shut, Lydia spun to look around and growled softly.

“Doctor! A little warning next time…”

“Sorry… Well, not really…”

Lydia sighed and returned to work on the girl’s bonds, her voice soft.

“Doctor…. Come here… quickly.”

The Doctor had done just that, noting how quiet and calm Lydia was, aware of how nervous the girl seemed.

“The carrier…”

“We have to help her…”

“We can’t.”

Lydia had stared silently at him, her jaw clenching before she turned to loosen the last of Alexie’s bonds.

“We can’t leave her here…”

“She could kill you Lydia…”

“Or we could save her… for good.”


“Doctor! You owe my family quite a lot… I’d suggest you do what I ask this time…”


Lydia had smirked.

“Good boy.”

She had glanced sideways at Alexie.

“Let’s get you home…”

“I am home… well… it used to be home.”

“What happened?”

“I don’t…”


“My mother… fed me the virus, the curse… when I was just 10… she wanted to protect me.”

“She… cursed you?”

“Yes. She was… afraid… afraid I’d run away with the first man who looked my way…”

“How do we heal you?”

“The one way she never planned… a kiss.”

Eleven had stepped between them, sensing something forming.

“It can’t be that simple?”

“Doctor! She should know…”

“Well, I’m not doing it.”

“I will.”

Lydia pushed the Doctor aside, ignoring his gasp of surprise, all but grabbing the girl by the waist, pulling her closer, the kiss light, but sweet. It was innocent, kind and caring… almost loving. It was not, however, enough.

The girl had collapsed moments later, the girl’s eyes closing. Lydia had sighed softly.

“Ah, Rabbits.”

The Doctor’s eyes had widened and Lydia had laughed softly.

“Surprise… Doctor.”

The girl in Lydia’s arms grew slowly warmer, then seemed to half-wake, breathing out only two words.

“Princess Salva.”


“Salv…. Oh no…”

“Let me guess… a timelady?”

“Yes… she’s the only one who could save her…”

“Then how do we call her?”

“We… we can’t.”

Lydia had spoken softly.

“Doctor. Tell me how.”

“She would need a payment… a price…”


“… I have only read about her…”

“Doctor. Tell me.”

“She would need… a virgin’s blood.”

Lydia sighed, rolled her eyes and spoke softly.

“So, we have a virgin in our midst…”


“Not me! … Alexie.”

“How would we let it… without breaking it…”

“The same way I used to…”

Lydia grasped the girl’s wrist, breaking her skin open using the most simple shard of glass she could find, sighing softly.

“I am sorry Alexie.”

The girl’s blood dripped from her wrist, a simple summons.

“You called?”

Lydia turned, her breath catching in her throats.

“Princess Salva?”

“Priestess now… but yes…”

“Salva… she… she needs you…”

“She is an innocent?”

“Yes… I think so…”

“Then you must leave…”


“Come Lydia…”

Lydia refused, standing firm, giving in only when Alexie stirred, breathing the woman’s name again weakly.

“Alright… alright… just… please save her?”

“Of course.”

Lydia gave in, accepting the Sonic before she left, sensing that she would need it.

eleventh doctor, fan fiction, 50th anniversary fanwork-a-thon-a-thon

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