18 Weeks To 50: The Curse of Fenric

Jul 20, 2013 17:27

We're now into the top 20 of my 50th Anniversary countdown of aggregated poll results for Doctor Who Books, TV Serials & Audio Dramas, with number 18:

18. The Curse of Fenric

Doctor: 7th (Sylvester McCoy)
Companions: Ace
Aliens: Fenric, Haemovores
In 1942, on a secret naval base in Yorkshire, Dr. Judson is using his ULTIMA code-breaking machine. However, The Doctor and Ace soon find themselves caught in a conspiracy involving creatures from the future, Soviet soldiers and an ancient Viking curse. Yet the Doctor knows a lot more than he is letting on...
Why is it so well loved?
1. The Haemovores are genuinely frightening and look fantastic.
2. It ties up small plot hints from almost every preceeding story since Dragonfire.
3. The story has many different levels, looking at themes such as war, faith and loyalty. But at its heart it is about Ace herself.
Statistical Snippet
This the best loved story to involve vampiric creatures. What the next one is, is debatable. Son of the Dragon (#53) involves the purely historical Vllad the Impaler. Damaged Goods (#56) does involve vampire genes but is only vaguely vampiric. Among the more traditionally vampiric, it is State of Decay at #138.

X-Posted from Doctor Who

50 years of who, television stories, poll-of-polls countdown, seventh doctor

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