Moffat Talks 50th Anniversary

Dec 19, 2012 21:52

A preview of the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas Special The Snowmen, in which a certain Mr S. Moffat also discusses plans for the 50th anniversary in November 2013:

Beware, a somewhat SPOILERY article in some respects!!

Quoth Der Moff: "They are immense, they are considerable and they will be full of tremendous surprises," said writer Steven Moffat of his much-discussed anniversary plans.
"We're not going to tell you [any details] but I promise we're going to take over television, trust me," he told an audience of fans at a special preview of the Christmas episode.
Certainly Matt Smith will be around to play the titular Time Lord - he intends to go on playing it "for infinity number of years" he said.

Trust him?? ;D Of course, historically Who show-runners have tended to be a little...overenthusiastic in describing their plans to the press. So we will see... Still, he's saying the right things, as they say of football managers. The proof will be in somewhat less than a year's time.

television stories, fiftieth anniversary tv programming, eleventh doctor, 50th anniversary news

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