31 Weeks to 50: Touched By An Angel

Apr 21, 2013 17:54

Continuing my 50th Anniversary countdown of aggregated poll results for Doctor Who Books, TV Serials & Audio Dramas, with number 31:

31. Touched By An Angel

Doctor: 11th (Matt Smith)
Companions: Amy and Rory
Aliens: Weeping Angels
In 2003 Rebecca Whitaker died in a car crash. Eight years later her husband, Mark, receives a letter from himself...you can save her. But what are the Weeping Angels up to? Why are they concerned with the love life of one man?
Why is it so well loved?
1. Jonathan Morris, the master of time paradoxes in the book range, gets a chance to use the Weeping Angels, the great creatures of time paradoxes.
2. Morris fleshes out the angels, using them in new ways and managing to make the most visual of creatures terrifying on the page.
3. At the heart of the novel is a simple story about love, loss and how we cope when we lose those most precious to us.
Statistical Snippet
This is easily the most popular story written by Jonathan Morris (although liable to dramatic change). Just missing out are The Haunting of Thomas Brewster at #52 and The Festival of Death at #80.
It is also the most popular of the New Series Adventures, the next were Mark Morris' Forever Autumn and Ghosts of India, drawing at #74.

Apologies for the slight delay

X-Posted from Doctor Who

50 years of who, eleventh doctor, books, poll-of-polls countdown

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