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"Title: Maxil in the Genesis Ark
Prompt: Monsters
Characters/Pairing(s): Maxil, daleks
Rating: PG for some mild swears.
Word count: 1087
Spoilers: very slight for Army of Ghosts/Doomsday and even slighter for Arc of Infinity
Warnings: none
Summary: The daleks were never alone in the Genesis Ark...
Disclaimer: Doctor Who is not mine, but I am eternally grateful to the creators for making such an amazing sandbox for me to play in.
Author’s note: It always seemed odd to me that the timelords would put all those daleks in the Genesis Ark, running around loose without a guard. This is me retconning that, and has been heavily contributed to by thasceles, in that we tossed ideas for it about in bed and giggled lots.
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