My Entry for the WhoAt50 April Fanfiction Challenge by miss_s_b

Apr 14, 2013 19:58

Posted to the Dreamwidth side of the comm by miss_s_b:

"Title: Maxil in the Genesis Ark
Prompt: Monsters
Characters/Pairing(s): Maxil, daleks
Rating: PG for some mild swears.
Word count: 1087
Spoilers: very slight for Army of Ghosts/Doomsday and even slighter for Arc of Infinity
Warnings: none
Summary: The daleks were never alone in the Genesis Ark...
Disclaimer: Doctor Who is not mine, but I am eternally grateful to the creators for making such an amazing sandbox for me to play in.

Author’s note: It always seemed odd to me that the timelords would put all those daleks in the Genesis Ark, running around loose without a guard. This is me retconning that, and has been heavily contributed to by thasceles, in that we tossed ideas for it about in bed and giggled lots.

Click here for fic"

daleks, who monsters, fifth doctor, 50th anniversary fanwork-a-thon-a-thon

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