Fic: A Meeting of Mechanics by miss_s_b

Mar 15, 2013 13:02

Posted to the Dreamwidth side of the comm by miss_s_b:

"Title: A Meeting of Mechanics
Prompt: Other Doctors
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Mickey Smith, AU Sixth Doctor, AU Bessie.
Rating: PG
Word count: 1757
Spoilers: none
Summary: Mickey thought he was settled in his classic car repair shop. Then he got a new customer...
Disclaimer: Doctor Who is not mine, but I am eternally grateful to the creators for making such an amazing sandbox for me to play in.

Author's Notes: AU, set between Age of Steel and Army of Ghosts (from Mickey’s perspective) or between Mindwarp and The Marion Conspiracy (from the Doctor’s point of view). This was meant to be a little ficlet, but has grown out of all control. I may or may not be adding to it, and if other people want to join in they’d be most welcome. Thanks to for a brainstorm with plot bunnies.

Follow the link to my journal to read"

tenth doctor, ninth doctor, alternative who continuities, third doctor, sixth doctor, 50th anniversary fanwork-a-thon-a-thon

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