40 Weeks to 50: Poll-of-Polls Countdown: The War Games

Feb 16, 2013 10:32

Continuing my 50th Anniversary countdown of aggregated poll results for Doctor Who Books, TV Serials & Audio Dramas, with number 40:

40. The War Games

Doctor: 2nd (Patrick Troughton)
Companions: Jamie & Zoe
Villains: War Lord, War Chief, Security Chief, General Smythe, Von Weich, Time Lords (one of which may be Goth)
The TARDIS lands on the Western Front in 1917, stuck in one of Earth's most dangerous time periods...or are they? Why can no one remember how long they've been in France? What strange powers do the generals have? And what is an 18th Century Redcoat doing in a military prison?
Why is it so well loved?
1. It has around 8 villains, who are all imposing and constantly competing with each other. Yet, none of them feel underused.
2. Even though it has a run-time of around 4 hours, the story never slows down and the tension never eases up.
3. The finale is among the most dramatic in the show's history and establishes much of Doctor Who mythology.
Statistical Snippet
In spite of the number stories they wrote and the good reputation they seem to have, this is the only story by Malcolm Hulke in the top 50 (the next being The Silurians at 100) and one of only 2 Terrance Dicks' stories (along with the Horror of Fang Rock at 50).

X-posted from Doctor Who

second doctor, 50 years of who, television stories, poll-of-polls countdown

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