The 53rd Anniversary Fanwork-a-thon??

Oct 02, 2016 21:28

I think it's fair to say there hasn't been a great deal of activity on who_at_50 this year, entirely down to my not getting around to posting anything. And to be honest, there seems to be less online Who fandom going on in general in recent times. Perhaps it's normal that in a year without a new series of Who there's going to be a drop-off in activity. ( Read more... )

community announcements, 53rd anniversary fanwork-a-thon

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lost_spook October 3 2016, 07:32:10 UTC
I probably wouldn't make fic, but I could do some icons or another recs post! Just go for it! The worst that can happen is that nobody signs up and you can survive that. I had a ficathon like that this summer and I'm shamelessly still here. ;-)


jjpor October 3 2016, 18:31:57 UTC
Very true. I must have missed that one completely - apologies! :D Icons and recs would be very welcome, as you know.


lost_spook October 3 2016, 19:28:53 UTC
Oh, it was OUaT, so it wouldn't have been relevant to your interests, but it was the most non-existent ficathon ever.


jjpor October 4 2016, 19:01:48 UTC
Officially recognised by the Guinness Book of Records? ;)


lost_spook October 4 2016, 19:06:28 UTC
Probably not, but it's totally official if I say so, isn't it? ;-)


jjpor October 4 2016, 19:15:06 UTC
I'm not sure I'm fully up on how the rules work in these cases, but I'd say probably, yes. ;)


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