Fic: Soft Jaws, Strong Bite (1/1, all ages)

Nov 29, 2015 13:24

Title: Soft Jaws, Strong Bite
Characters/Pairing(s): Twelfth Doctor/Romana II
Rating: All ages
Word count: 2,167
Spoilers: None
Warnings: none
Beta: platypus
Summary: A brief and heartwarming story about the Doctor, Romana, space pirates, and the universe's greatest children's show about prehistoric reptile cyborgs.
Disclaimer: Not mine, obviously.

Author's Notes: Written for who_at_50's 52nd Anniversary Fanwork-A-Thon. Story would have been mostly canon-compliant had "Heaven Sent" not aired yesterday. (Whoops.) Similarly, any resemblance to something the Doctor says near the end of the story to something he says in "Heaven Sent" really is coincidence, as I wrote my story well before "Heaven Sent" aired.

::xposted to
who_at_50, who_at_50,
dwfiction, and dwfiction, and archived at Teaspoon and AO3

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twelfth doctor, 52nd anniversary fanwork-a-thon, fan fiction

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