Happy 52nd Anniversary!

Nov 23, 2015 23:31

Does it really seem like two years to you since we had the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, The Day of the Doctor, The Five(ish) Doctors and all the rest of that jazz? No, not to me either! I hope as many of you as possible got to do something Who-ish today however small, in consideration of the occasion.

I'm glad that we've had so much good stuff for the 52nd Anniversary Fanwork-a-thon so far this month, and hopefully there's some still to come over the course of the final week.

Anyway, two years on, I thought this piece from The Radio Times where Steven Moffat talks candidly about the 50th Anniversary special was quite interesting. He has his detractors, Moffat, but the Sylvester McCoy love about halfway through was a pleasant surprise (to me, anyway) and wins him and his son numerous bonus points as far as I'm concerned.

I'll return you now to your regularly scheduled programming.

doctor who production staff, 52nd anniversary, history of doctor who, doctor who actors, doctor who news

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