Seventh Doctor Recs List

Dec 02, 2014 21:04

Here, as promised, are some recs to celebrate the wonderful Seventh Doctor and his era (completing my set of recs for some of the Doctors who are rarer in fanworks than others).

As ever, this list is no way intended to be comprehensive and is inevitably biased towards my own preferences and hunting grounds. Please do rec your own favourites in the comments & make up the imbalance.

Smoking and Foxholes Can Be Dangerous to Your Health by aces (All ages, 2666 words. Fitz Kreiner, Hex Schofield, Eighth Doctor, Seventh Doctor.) "Why does the Doctor always have to land us in these sorts of situations anyway?" Brilliantly done encounter between two TARDIS teams.

The Polar Bears' Golf Club by Doyle (All ages, 4543 words. Ace McShane, Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor, Seventh Doctor.) 40th century Echlin has one of the most famous centres of time travel research in the galaxy. Rose and Ace have some nitro-9, a bronze medal in gymnastics (under-7s category) and a couple of really enormous false moustaches. No contest, really… Wonderfully entertaining multi-era rescue mission.

Navigable Waters by astrogirl2 (All ages, 4075 words. Seventh Doctor, Donna Noble, Wilfred Mott.) A "Journey's End" fixit, featuring Donna, Seven, and Wilf. Beautifully written fixit, just perfect.

Prime by Roach Patrol (All ages, 2192 words. Amelia Pond, Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) In which young Amelia Pond attempts to seek both her fortune and the Doctor, talks to strangers, feeds a dog, and loses her bicycle in the woods (though not exactly in that order). Gorgeous multi-era fic that's just a bit fairytale.

Vox et Praeterea Mysteria by john_elliott (Teen, 3733 words. Oswin Oswald, Ace McShane.) She's a teenage rebel with a taste for explosives. She's a voice with an Internet connection. Together, they fight terrorists! Fantastic multi-era team-up.

Missing adventures, small moments, & other works that give a true taste of the era.

Vid: Doctor Who - The Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) (2.43 mins.) A brief tribute to what was very likely the most inventive era of "Doctor Who" ever. Fantastic whole-era dramatic tribute.

A Trump Lead by Sheila Adamson (All ages, 2787 words. Seventh Doctor, Melanie Bush.) The Doctor treats Mel to a lesson in probabilities and card play. Clever and great, using Bridge as an extended metaphor.

Life on Mars by Nostalgia (All ages, 1742 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) Post-Dragonfire, the Doctor and Ace getting to know each other. Lovely fic in which the Doctor and Ace have their very first TARDIS trip together, to Mars.

Nowhere Man by the_seventh_l (All ages/PG, 1863 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane. Very slight Seven/Ace.) He's a nowhere man with nowhere plans; meet the Seventh Doctor. Even when (supposedly) retired, there's still work to do. Excellent portrait of Seven.

. . . Who Burned Like Starfire by Nemo the Everbeing (All ages, 3214 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) On her birthday, Ace receives two gifts: one intentional and one not. Beautiful Seven & Ace fic.

If I Pour Your Cup by merripestin (All ages, 100 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) Sometimes he cannot follow her thought processes at all. Absolutely brilliant use of the drabble format, giving us a glimpse into the Doctor's way of thinking.

Concerto for Spoons and Time by Joan Milligan (All ages, 728 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) There’s this little pub in London where there’s a funny little man who plays the spoons. Spoons and time and metaphors and Seven - so perfect it hurts.

A Winter's Tale by jjpor (Teen, 8164 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) In the deep midwinter, frosty winds will blow, but for the Doctor and Ace it's just another day at the office. Or is it? Brilliant, moving and unsentimental fic about Christmas, War and the Doctor and Ace.

Illusions by DameRuth (All ages, 1934 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) Sometimes we deceive ourselves as much as we deceive others. Vivid and exceptionally characteristic adventure for the two.

A Perfect Heart by Mandragora (All ages, 1033 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) The story of a Queen, a curse and a perfect love. Wintry, beautiful fairy-tale.

Ad Astra Per Anatis by Roach Patrol (All ages, 948 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) The Doctor is kneeling in the mud by the edge of the duck pond, his sleeves rolled up, his hair sticking up every which way, and he looks like nothing so much as a little boy with a train set on Christmas morning. Absolutely lovely Seven and Ace vignette.

Thermodynamic Stability by ladymercury_10 (All ages, 526 words. The TARDIS, Ace McShane, Seventh Doctor.) The stray is in one of the laboratories, mixing things that oughtn’t to be mixed. Beautiful little look at Ace and Seven, from the TARDIS's POV.

Au Revoir by Von Quixote (All ages, 879 words. Seventh Doctor, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart.) Post-Battlefield. After the fight, after the supper, the Doctor and the Brigadier share Scotch and extended metaphors. What it says. Reflective and lovely.

Vid: Run With Us (an Ace & Seven fanvid) by calapine (4.30 mins.) Ace & the Doctor, to the closing theme from The Raccoons. Incredibly cheesy and very, very eighties music. Great Seven & Ace tribute.

Aesthetics and Identity Are No Excuse by the_seventh_l (All ages, 421 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) Ace wants to forgive him for the things he's done. The Doctor doesn't make it easy. Great Ace & Seven short, with a twist.

Doro Theon by lyricwrites (All ages, 1659 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) The night after Fenric, Ace asks a question. Beautiful fic, picking up on the fallout of Curse of Fenric.

University by paranoidangel42 (All ages, 535 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) Ace and the Doctor are undercover at a university on Earth. This is just a short scene between the two of them during that time. Touching piece that underlines their relationship.

Pawn to Queen Three by Lurky McLurklurk (All ages, 1168 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) A little post-ep fic for Survival. Or maybe a grand unified theory of Time Lord telepathy. The Doctor takes a chess game as a means of explaining how Time Lord minds work. Very clever.

Protect and Survive by jjpor (Teen, 49,717 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) The Doctor and Ace find themselves in a darkly altered version of the 1960s we know; somebody has been meddling with history, raising the spectre of nuclear Armageddon, and that somebody needs to be stopped. Amazing and brilliantly chilling AU Cold War fic.

All the Ragged People by theOther (All ages/PG, 1200 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) "For her, whose life was dictated by chaos and adventure and personal suffering even the Doctor knew nothing about, life was to end not with a bang, but with a whisper." Sad but sharp AU, as Ace and the Doctor face their final end together.

Vid: Babelcolour Tribute: THE McCOY YEARS by BabelColour (2.25 mins.) A tribute to the era of the seventh and most mysterious Doctor. Dramatic vid effectively show-casing the era.

Electricity by Pete Galey (All ages, 1477 words. Seventh Doctor.) Halloween; three spirits follow the currents of enchantment to a shadowy house in Kent. Unusual short piece, underlining the nature of this particular incarnation of the Doctor.

ceremony for the living by Branwyn (All ages, 1370 words. Seventh Doctor, Bernice Summerfield, Ace McShane.) The Doctor attends his own funeral. As it says, and what else would you expect of this Doctor? It's excellent.

Elementary Particles: reprinted from the reminiscences of Professor Bernice S. Summerfield by Paul A (Teen, 1245 words. Bernice Summerfield, Seventh Doctor, Madame Vastra, Jenny Flint.) Elementary Particles: reprinted from the reminiscences of Professor Bernice S. Summerfield. Brilliantly deals with an implication of New Who's events on those of the New Adventures.

Plasticine and Shells by shinyjenni (All ages, 3048 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane, Hex Schofield. Slight Ace/Hex.) Seven, Ace and Hex have a nice evening out. Great gen adventure for the team.

Dalek Redux by ponygirl (All ages, 840 words. Hex Schofield, Ace McShane, Seventh Doctor.) Pinch hit for the Non-Telly Companion Ficathon, for kseda, who wanted a scene or episode of the new series rewritten with a non-televised companion and Doctor combo. So, for your entertainment, Seven, Ace, and Hex do Dalek. Brilliant short AU.

Cartography by eponymous_rose (All ages, 1463 words. Hex Schofield, Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane, the TARDIS.) A map is a symbolic representation that highlights relationships between elements of space. Some analogies write themselves. Lovely piece, exploring maps and forgotten corners of the TARDIS.

Syntax of Things by clocketpatch (All ages/PG, 42,490 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane, Hex Schofield.) Seven, Ace and Hex go for a holiday in the jungle. Of course, these things never turn out quite as planned. Vivid, brilliant and complex missing adventure.

dreamings of meetings by aces (All ages, 4133 words. Hex Schofield, Ace McShane, Seventh Doctor, the TARDIS.) Hex, in “The Settling”: I thought I saw lemon trees in the library…or maybe I dreamt them. Beautiful fic in which the TARDIS gets to know Hex.

Playing For Reward by calapine (All ages, 1092 words. Seventh Doctor.) The Doctor stops to chat with a stranger. Great outside POV as the Doctor reflects on what he does.

Vid: Sylvester McCoy Tribute: The Little Man by Babelcolour (3.09 mins.) A re-upload of one of the first videos I made for Youtube. Wonderful & energetic tribute to Seven.

The Glade by Wiccagirl24 (All ages, 5807 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace. Crossover with Sapphire & Steel.) Sapphire and Steel are assigned to investigate a snow covered glade where something has gone wrong with time. The Doctor and Ace are drawn to the same place, but for them it's spring and the flowers are in bloom. An angry man, a sobbing woman, a mystery. It's a perfect use of both sets of characters and accessible whichever series you're familiar with (or not).

Ever Be Forgot... by whispersecho (Teen, 960 words. Ace McShane, Seventh Doctor. Crossover with V.) Jackboots patrol the city after curfew, but this is no Nazi occupation, no Dalek invasion. This is London. The future. But there are those who will not go gently into that night. It's Ace being Ace, as ever.

They were schoolboys, never held an anti-tank rocket by 10littlebullets (All ages, 601 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane. Les Miserables crossover.) Les Misérables crossover. Ace at the barricade. What more do you need, really? As the summary says, basically. It's so very Seven & Ace.

City of... by Nostalgia (All ages, 1873 words. Seventh Doctor. Angel crossover.) Crossover with Angel - shades of grey and a drive through the city. Excellent crossover & look at both the characters.

Crackaboom by Kesomon (All ages, 485 words. Seventh Doctor, Ace McShane.) It was a routine mission for SG-1, or at least it started out that way. Short crossover of Stargate and Doctor Who. Features Seven and Ace. The Stargate team have a very strange (and explosive) encounter.

Brief Encounter by selenak (All ages, 553 words. Seventh Doctor. Babylon 5 crossover.) The Doctor intervenes in the Earth/Minbari war. The Doctor arrives, as ever, at precisely the right time - great vignette of Seven & Delenn.

The Chess Players by Forge (All ages, 2078 words. Seventh Doctor.) The Patrician of Ankh-Morpork, Lord Vetinari and the Doctor play a friendly game of chess. Crossover with Discworld. Two chessmasters meet - it's as brilliant as you'd hope.

Melanie Bush
You can't go home again by pitry (All ages, 2237 words. Melanie Bush, Third Doctor, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Seventh Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Sixth Doctor.) Five postcards the Doctor got from Mel. Funny, bittersweet and non-linear fic in which Mel makes good on her promise in Dragonfire to send the Doctor a postcard (or five).

Partners in Crime by cosmic_llin (All ages, 219 words. Melanie Bush, Ace McShane.) One day, many years later, someone familiar walks into Mel's office. Neat ficlet, with Mel and Ace teaming up again.

Ace McShane
Vid: Another Girl Another Planet by such_heights (2.36 mins. Ace McShane.) Ace has got space travel in her blood. Made for Festivids 2011. Great Ace tribute.

What This AU Needs Is More Nitro-9 by SailorPtah (All ages, 221 words. Ace McShane.) From a fic meme: snippets of ten different AU settings, all starring Ace. In one word: wicked.

A Brief History in Explosions by miranda_wave (All ages, 775 words. Ace McShane.) Ace's life: a line of fire. What it says, excellently done.

Dig Deep For Victory! (The High Explosives Mix) by Palgrave (All ages, 2193 words. Ace McShane, Brigadier Lethbride-Stewart, Doris Lethbridge-Stewart, Seventh Doctor.) The Brigadier doesn't think he'll survive having Ace as a houseguest. He's pretty certain his flowerbeds won't. (Post-episode for "Battlefield"). Excellent & entertaining fic in which Ace stays with the Lethbridge-Stewarts for a bit, post-Battlefield.

Never Any Good At Goodbyes by shinyjenni (All ages, 548 words. Ace McShane, Shou Yuing, Seventh Doctor. Ace/Shou Yuing.) Ace doesn't want to say goodbye to Shou Yuing. Sweet vignette.

But She Meant To Do It by merripestin (All ages, drabble. Ace McShane.) Accident challenge drabble for lj:dw100. Ace understands why now. Painfully perfect.

An Evil Memory Lingering by whispersecho (Teen, 1372 words. Ace McShane.) Perivale, 1983: a thirteen-year-old girl runs from an all-too-real nightmare seeking the solace of an old house no one ever visits. What she finds is a house of dead things that aren't quite dead. Great look at a piece of Ace's backstory only mentioned in canon.

Not Only The Rivers Dream by glinda_penguin (Teen, 503 words. Ace McShane, Karra. Ace/Karra.) She carries part of that world with her where-ever she travels, the one who made her part of that world, held safe in her dreams. Beautiful, brief exploration of Ace, Karra, and the Cheetah Planet.

A TARDIS of One's Own by were_lemur (All ages, drabble. Ace McShane.) How Ace got her TARDIS. What it says. Nice glimpse of one of Ace's possible futures.

Raine Creevy (Big Finish)
Forever is a Long Time Ago by In_Time_of_Peril (Teen, 853 words. Ace McShane, Raine Creevy. Ace/Raine.) Sometimes you can see the end coming, and you know you can never stop it, so you just hold on until time rips you away from whatever you were always going to lose. Thoughtful Ace and Raine vignette.

Bernice Summerfield (Virgin New Adventures)
Pretenders by ponygirl (Teen, 2115 words. Bernice Summerfield, Jack Harkness. Benny/Jack.) Professor Bernice Summerfield isn't the only pretender. Lovely fun run-in between the two.

Archaeology - Can U Dig It? by Gordon Dempster (All ages, 496 words. Bernice Summerfield, Seventh Doctor.) Benny briefly goes back to her "proper" job. Great bit of humour for the pair.

Of Ogrons and Butterflies by aces (Teen, 1229 words. Martha Jones, Bernice Summerfield.) It might be that former companions of the Doctor have formed a community amongst themselves. Lovely piece in which Benny introduces Martha to the former companions network.

Festive Restings by dblauvelt (All ages, 3762 words. Bernice Summerfield, Wolsey, Tenth Doctor, Seventh Doctor.) Professor Bernice Summerfield has retired, earlier than expected. Yet all is not well in her little retirement cottage in Durham, 1922, nor does the festive season bode well for her tabby, Wosley. Both humorous and moving, complete with a typical Benny diary entry.

Dear Diary by lys (All ages/PG, 922 words. Bernice Summerfield, Eighth Doctor. Benny/Eight.) Inspired by Lance Parkin's o-so-ambiguous ending to The Dying Days. Brilliant elaboration on just what happened at the very end of the NAs.

Roz Forrester (VNAs)
Owed to Roz by dblauvelt (All ages, 2553 words. Roz Forrester, Seventh Doctor.) One last bit of Rosalyn Forrester. Fun & touching, as Roz finds something unexpected, and so does the Doctor.

There, In That Place by Mandragora (All ages, 1098 words. Roz Forrester, Seventh Doctor.) Just a place to call their own. Hauntingly beautiful series of Roz & Seven vignettes.

Hex Schofield (BFAs)
Overthrown by aces (All ages, 2851 words. Hex Schofield, Ace McShane. Mild Ace/Hex.) Hex + nursing = Ace in big trouble. Sweet Ace/Hex hurt/comfort that also gives a neat little look into Hex and who he is.

A Bad Day by Megumi (All ages, 1024 words. Hex Schofield, Tenth Doctor, Ace McShane, Seventh Doctor. Implied Ace/Hex.) Hex gets separated from the Doctor and stumbles upon another Doctor? Pretty adorable fic in which Hex has a timey-wimey encounter.

Starfall by tromana (All ages, 865 words. Hex Schofield, Romana II, Romana I.) Hex sometimes feels like she’s trailed him throughout his life to date. She smiled and assured him it’s just coincidence. Lovely short piece in which Hex and Romana keep meeting.

The World, The Universe Doyle (All ages, 1997 words. Hex Schofield, Ace McShane, Seventh Doctor. Hex/Ace.) Hex steps off the yellow brick road. (Hex/Ace) Lovely, well-written AU for Hex.

Lightyears from Zanzibar by brewsternorth (Teen, 267 words. Control/Redvers Fenn-Cooper.) Life changes when you travel at the speed of thought. Beautiful and unusual ficlet picking up on some loose threads from Ghostlight.

The History of the Kings of Britain by livii (Teen, 1336 words. Winifred Bambera, Ancelyn, Tenth Doctor. Bambera/Ancelyn.) Ancelyn and Bambera: happily ever after, with sword fights. Bambera and Ancelyn and their never dull life together after Battlefield; it's awesome, as are they.

Ode to Lungbarrow by lys (All ages, 581 words. Seventh Doctor, Chris Cwej, Leela, Ace McShane, Romana II.) A musical interpretation of Marc Platt's Lungbarrow. Set to the tune of Master in the House from Les Miserables. Yep, really. What it says!

Fade Out by Mandragora (Teen, 2880 words. Seventh Doctor, Wolsey.) A dying being of energy, a feline and a Time Lord's last days. Excellent dark fic - it's always the small things that count, even for Time's Champion.

Tea Time Terror for Time Tots by Branwyn (All ages, 2132 words. Seventh Doctor.) The Doctor writes an instructive book for children. What it says - it's funny and quirky and chilling and perfect.

Over to you now, to rec your favourites that I've missed (with bonus points for fanworks featuring Chris Cwej, Roz Forrester, Raine Creevy, Elizabeth Klein, & Wolsey). All fanworks, ratings & ships - the comments are all yours! (Just no self-recs, thank you.)

recs, 51st anniversary fanwork-a-thon, seventh doctor

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