Deep Breath Discussion/Reaction/Squee/non-Squee Post...! [SPOILERS!]

Aug 23, 2014 19:46

With Deep Breath now literally minutes away, for those of us in Blighty and adjacent territories at least, I thought I would put this here for people to comment, debate, cheer, jeer as appropriate the Series 8 premiere and the boy Capaldi's debut.

Well, have at it. And beware - likely to be SPOILERS! in the comments below. ;)

series 8, deep breath, twelfth doctor, television stories, television

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Comments 15

eloriekam August 23 2014, 19:39:56 UTC
Twelve is giving Six some serious competition in the 'how much of an arse can I be to the companion' category!


jjpor August 23 2014, 20:18:58 UTC
He didn't strangle her, though, did he? ;)


eloriekam August 23 2014, 20:45:14 UTC
No, LOL, he's only competing, he hasn't yet surpassed that. I was quite angry with him until he grabbed Clara's hand (at least, I think he did, it was a bit quick), and even after that I was a little upset with him. My eyes tried to shoot laser bolts at the screen when he turned away from her on the other side of the door.

That said, "Attack eyebrows" and "I'm Scottish, I can really complain about things now!" and just about everything else in that scene was fairly hilarious and got me to liking Twelve.


jjpor August 25 2014, 21:13:33 UTC
I think he had his reasons, but not necessarily justifiable reasons in the circumstances. He's certainly not much of a "people person" this Doctor.

Great performance from Capaldi - I can't wait to see where this all goes next.


jaelle_n_gilla August 23 2014, 21:37:12 UTC
I'm going to love Carpaldi, I know it already. The scene of abandoning Clara and her absolute trust in him right after that was heartbreaking. I agree on the "being an arse" part *g*


jjpor August 25 2014, 21:14:59 UTC
He was really good and I can't wait to see more. But yeah, he could work on the people skills (not that I think he cares).


jaelle_n_gilla August 26 2014, 06:46:19 UTC
Not having those people skills makes him even more interesting I think :-) Even though it makes me facepalm when he does it on screen.


dragonsally August 23 2014, 23:07:34 UTC
That was awesome, I'm in love with Capaldi already. I knew I would be though, its nice to have a Doctor of my own age bracket again.
And...with Madam Vestra, Strax and Jenny it all makes paradise for me.


jjpor August 25 2014, 21:15:47 UTC
Capaldi is great, although I was kind of expecting him to be. ;)


persiflage_1 August 24 2014, 15:29:36 UTC
One half of me thought Matt's cameo was lovely - the other half of me is irritated as hell that they did it.

Also, STOP having the Doctor compare companions to one another - that really IS being an arse and completely unnecessary.

But I mostly enjoyed it - Capaldi's capering Scottish loon sobered down into a genuinely scary fellow with a lot of ambiguity (was the droid pushed, or did he jump?).

8 out of 10, overall.

(But, the Beeb really needs to sort out its bloody sound issues because, as per usual, I couldn't hear half the damned dialogue - and there is NOTHING wrong with my hearing! It's only ever BBC shows that I have issues with...)


jjpor August 25 2014, 21:20:05 UTC
I am, as you know, a big fan of both Matt and Eleven, but the phone call did not sit well with me. That and the very on-the-nose early reaction by Clara to the regeneration - seemed like pandering to that section of the audience who are over-resistant to change (as we got last time around). The Eleventh Hour just swaggered its way through without worrying about said audience-section, which I applauded at the time and probably would have liked to see more of here.

But yeah, regarding comparing companions, I like to think the Doctor is better than that, or should be.

Capaldi was great, and so was the general feel of the story. The plot wasn't much cop, but it was mounted very effectively. I think 8 out of 10 is about fair, and I'm looking forward to next week's now.

I know what you mean regarding the BBC and sound - and it's not just Doctor Who by a long shot. I really don't know what the problem is that they seem to have with sound mixing, but it's noticeable.


dbskyler August 26 2014, 00:43:26 UTC
I have this idea now that Moffat got the idea to do the phone call as a cool timey-wimey surprise (and perhaps also to pacify that certain section of change-resistant audience), and then decided that in order to justify the phone call, Clara would have to not accept Twelve right away. I personally liked the phone call, but didn't like that Clara needed the phone call.


persiflage_1 August 26 2014, 04:58:45 UTC
Yes - as clocketpatch concluded on her LJ - we were not the intended audience for that episode's rant about how The Doctor's no longer twenty so really, stop whining! Trouble is, I see no reason to pander to that section of fandom who behaves like spoilt brats just 'cos the production team's chosen an older actor this time. The minute you start pandering to them, you give them too much power. (Just tell them to grow up or f*ck off!)

He should be better than that - and didn't we have enough of that crap with Ten and Martha?

I watch v few BBC shows these days, but I always struggle with the sound issues when I do.


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