
Aug 23, 2014 14:44

...mere hours to go before the Big Man (as I probably won't actually be referring to Twelve or Peter Capaldi) is unleashed upon us (those leaked video files on't'internets notwithstanding). Times, as updated by Doctor Who News the other day:

United Kingdom - BBC One - 23 August 7:50pm

Australia - ABC1 - 24 August 4:50am

Poland - BBC Entertainment - 23 August 8:50pm

Germany - FOX - 23 August 9:00pm

Canada - SPACE - 23 August 8:00pm

United States - BBC America - 23 August 8:15pm

Latin/South America - BBC Entertainment - 23 August 10:00pm

Finland - YLE2 - 24 August 7:10pm

New Zealand - PRIME - 31 August 7:30pm

If any of you know of any other countries that may be showing it, and the time and channel details, please feel free to share in the comments below.

As you may have read, there have been problems (ironically caused by more stringent BBC security following the leaks) regarding producing German-dubbed versions of the new episodes in time, although apparently some sort of interim arrangement has been reached with the English versions being shown with German subtitles for the time being.

I was also interested to read that the UK transmission time for Episode 2 of the new series (I won't mention the title, even though it has been publicised, in the interests of erring on the side of caution re spoilers) has been set as 7.30pm next Saturday, 30 August. That's really interesting, assuming the rest of the series follows suit - significantly later in the evening than previous series. Has somebody at the Beeb been paying attention to the ratings gained for the anniversary special?

You may have heard tell also of the new behind-the-scenes series Doctor Who Extra, which looks like some sort of substitute for the good old Confidential. Unfortunately, with it being exclusively on iPlayer and the BBC Red Button service, I don't see how anybody outside the UK will get to see it. No doubt it will show up, sooner rather than later, in the usual places...

Oh, and regarding those rumours re possible cast member departures etc - I notice those in the know haven't confirmed them, but they're not exactly denying them either.

Anyway - see you later!

twelfth doctor, 50 years of who, television stories, doctor who actors, doctor who news, television

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