Title: Ghosts (1/1)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 695
Characters: Eleven
Timeline: The end of "The Time of the Doctor" I suppose; no spoilers. Spoilers for the end of "The Day of the Doctor".
Summary: As he starts to regenerate, the Doctor reflects on his life.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to the BBC. Dialogue snippets belong to their respective writers.
A/N: Written for the 50th Anniversary Fanwork-a-thon-a-thon Bonus Round. Also written as a good-bye to Eleven; I was inspired by this
moment from "An Adventure in Time and Space". I can't claim to know how Eleven's regeneration will go, so I guess this is all in his head as the actual regeneration happens.
The Doctor was dying. There was no doubt about it. His body was failing. Having died eleven times before this, he was intimately familiar with the sensation of one's being slowly slipping away.