Waiting For Life To Begin [11/20]

Feb 23, 2013 14:10

Title: Waiting For Life To Begin [11/20]
Author: whntomorrow
Pairing: Zack Merrick/Jack Barakat
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: Violence. Angst. Homophobia.
POV: 1st person - Zack.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Title credit goes to The Blackout.
Notes: The next part will be extremely angsty and a little violent, so enjoy this goodness while it lasts!

Summary: Has keeping someone else’s secret ever made you question yourself?

Part Ten | Part Eleven

Spring Break unfortunately ended, meaning that we had to go back to school. It also meant that our homophobic teammates came back too, making Jack retreat completely into his shell, the one he’d cast aside when Enderson, Young, Farland and Newman left this town for the week. I knew Jack’s relaxed behaviour wouldn’t last. I shouldn’t have expected it to. I guess I just got caught up in the fact that he actually smiled genuinely for the first time in ages.

Anyway, like I said, we’re back at school now. Second day in, actually. Jack was really quiet this morning, and even though it’s lunchtime now, I haven’t seen him. I hope he isn’t freaking out about anything. I’ll text him before class just to make sure though. Instead, I’m sitting outside with Rian underneath a bunch of trees. It’s quite hot out today, so we figured we’d sit outside for once. It’s quite a nice day in general, actually.

Fuck was I wrong.


I stopped my conversation with Rian to look over my shoulder when I heard my name being screamed. Alex?!

“What’s wrong?” I frowned.

Why did he look so fucking scared?

“You’ve got to help! They’re attacking him, Zack. He told me to run and he probably thinks I literally ran away scared, but I ran to find you I swear!” Alex sobbed.

“Woah, woah, calm down. What’s going on?” Zack panicked.

“Someone saw us, Zack,” Alex choked.

My blood ran cold. Alex’s words told me all I needed to know. Jack was in trouble.

“Where are they?” I demanded.

“Just outside the boys bathroom. Please, you’ve got to hurry,” Alex whimpered.

“I’ll stop it, don’t worry. Go and find Flyzik and Kurily, and then call an ambulance,” I ordered.

Alex choked another sob but ran towards the school.

“What’s going on?” Rian asked, confused.

“I’ll explain it all later. Right now, we’ve got to help Jack,” I said urgently.

Rian just nodded, so the two of us took off running to the school too. Alex didn’t need to tell me where the fight was. I could hear the yelling and yelps of pain. I kept running, even more so when I caught a glimpse of Jack curled up on the floor getting kicked mercilessly by Enderson and Young. Without hesitating I ripped Enderson away from Jack, Rian doing the same to Young, putting him in a headlock while I just held onto the front of Enderson’s shirt.. Farland and Newman looked ready to pounce, but they didn’t move. Not yet. Not now their Quarterback had interfered.

“HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!” I roared, punching Enderson square in the face.

Gasps and whispers started up in the crowd around us, but I don’t care. Jack was whimpering in pain. That’s all I care about.

“My little brother saw that fucking faggot kissing Gaskarth! I told you he was a faggot! I fucking told you!” Enderson retorted, his hand clasped over his bloody nose.

“I don’t give a fuck! I told you that no-one mistreats Jack like this! As your Quarterback, you’re meant to listen to me! Jack is our teammate! He is our family! Would you beat your mom like you beat Jack?!” I yelled.

“Of course I fucking wouldn’t,” Enderson spat.


“He’s a faggot! A fucking faggot!” Farland sneered.

“He’s my best friend and a loyal member of our football team - his sexuality changes nothing,” I growled at him.

I knew they heard the danger in my voice, because they closed their mouths and stopped talking. Then I heard footsteps running down the hall, and turned my head to see Alex running towards us with Danny and Matt behind him, as well as the Principal and the school nurse. Oh thank fuck. The Principal’s eyes widened when he saw Jack’s bloodied figure on the ground, as well as mine and Rian’s enraged forms.

“Gaskarth told us everything,” Matt murmured.

I nodded, not questioning his and Danny’s lack of response, but grit my teeth as Alex ran to Jack’s side. I want to run to Jack’s side too and try to comfort him, but there are other things that need to be done first.

“Sir, if these four aren’t at least suspended and if this homophobic attack isn’t put on their permanent records, I will personally see to it that my parents sue this school for everything that it’s worth. They will be furious to know that a student was physical beaten like this,” I said angrily.

“Mine too,” Rian nodded, standing next to me.

“Mine too,” Matt agreed.

“As will mine,” Danny said firmly, folding his arms over his chest.

I felt a slight twinge in my stomach - we had all formed a line in front of Jack, blocking him off from the rest of the school. Fuck, I love my friends right now.

“I think what we need to concern ourselves with is Mr Barakat’s medical condition,” the Principal said nervously.

“I mean what I said. This is a disgusting, unacceptable attack and I will not stand for it,” I growled.

The Principal’s eyes widened, but before he could say anything, the wailing of an ambulance siren could be heard. He almost looked relieved. Fuck him. I took this chance to duck to Jack’s side, immediately feeling sick. Jack’s face was so bloodied, his eyes half-closed, that I knew the rest of his body was going to be worse. And this only made me angry. Angry and scared.

“Jack? Jack, if you can hear me, then listen. You’re going to be alright, you have to be. Everything’s going to be okay, I promise,” I choked.

Jack didn’t respond. I wish he had.

“We’ve got to take him now, Mr Merrick,” the nurse told me.

“I’m coming,” I said firmly, glaring at her.

The nurse glanced at the Principal, who just nodded weakly. Good. He knows my threat of suing the school is serious.

“We’ll meet you at the hospital, okay?” Rian told me.

I didn’t realise until he squeezed my shoulder that I was crying.

“Make sure you take Alex with you, okay?” I said, quickly getting to my feet as I wiped my tears away.

Rian glanced at my shaking neighbour, before nodding.

“Will do,” Rian promised.

I stepped backwards as two medics put Jack on a stretcher, choking a sob as Jack’s eyes fluttered closed. No! I didn’t even bother to hide my tears as I followed the medics down the hallway and out of the school, not even hiding my fear as we got in the ambulance and I held Jack’s limp hand.

“You can’t leave me, Jack. You just can’t,” I whispered as the ambulance started moving.

The medic sitting with us smiled sympathetically at me, but said nothing. I’m glad for that. I don’t think I could’ve given a decent reply. All I can think about is how broken Jack looks. All I can hope is that Jack will be okay after all of this.

I don’t know what I’d do if I lost him, I really don’t.

rating: pg-13, pairing: rian dawson/alex gaskarth, genre: high school au, genre: au, chaptered: waiting for life to begin, author: whntomorrow, pairing: zack merrick/jack barakat, pairing: matt flyzik/danny kurily

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