We Are Just Passionate Lovers [s/a]

May 11, 2012 21:18

Title: We Are Just Passionate Lovers
Author: whntomorrow
Pairing: Evan Kirkendall/Jeff Maker
Rating: NC-17
POV: 3rd person
Warnings: smut, bad language.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. And title credit goes to Maroon 5.

Summary: Secret sneaky fun for the band and crew's most secret sneaky couple - Evan and Jeff. Part of the I'm Not Dead 'verse.

Prequel | Sequel

Evan knew he was the luckiest guy in the world. He had a great job. He had a great family. He had great friends. He was on a great tour. And he had a great boyfriend. Well, secret boyfriend, but still. Jeff Maker - what those two words alone did to him. The memories they shared. The intimacy they shared. The laughter, the sadness, the fights…it was all theirs and theirs alone. No-one could take that away from them. Especially not on days like these. Days when the two of them could spend time completely alone.

Like today. All Time Low were playing a show in Jeff’s home town tonight, and although everyone had arrived yesterday, due to setting up the equipment, rehearsals and all sorts of other things, Evan and Jeff hadn’t had a chance to have any alone time away from the band and crew. So, while everyone was nursing last-night's-hangovers on the buses this morning, Jeff and Evan snuck off and went to have breakfast in Jeff’s favourite diner, followed by a private tour around the large town the Jeff called his home.

“I can’t believe after all the times we’ve been here, and after all the time we’ve been together, we’ve never walked around on our own like this,” Evan mused.

“2 years is a long time, babe,” Jeff nodded.

Evan beamed and lifted Jeff’s hand to his lips, and kissed his knuckles lightly.

“2 years. Fuck, who would’ve thought that we’ve kept our relationship quiet for two years?” Evan grinned.

“I would thought at least Flyzik or Rian would’ve figured it out. How you always stay at my apartment for at least a week when we have a tour break. Or how I always spend the Christmas Holiday with your family. Or how we always sit next to each other on planes and buses. Or how we text each other when we’re not at the other’s side. Or how we flirt on twitter,” Jeff mused.

“Or how we have sneaky sex at every venue,” Evan said innocently.

Jeff smirked, glanced over his shoulder, and pulled Evan down an alley, down between two buildings that not many people were coming in and out of.

“Sneaky sex is the best though,” Jeff murmured, “It adds to the thrill that someone might actually walk in and catch us,”

“You don’t mind though, right?” Evan asked softly.

“What do you mean?” Jeff frowned.

“You don’t mind that only our parents know, and not our friends? Not the fans? That we hide our relationship?” Evan asked hesitantly.

“You worry too much, Kirkendarling. What we have is private - we shouldn’t have to share that with anyone else, especially with friends are nosy, intrusive and demanding as ours. You’re far too special to me to have to share you with anyone else,” Jeff reassured.

Evan couldn’t help but smile at his boyfriend’s words. “I do like that you’re mine and no-one else’s. I think it’s hot that no-one gets to know how sexy I find you. Like when you went with Zack and Colussy to make sure Danny’s psycho ex-boyfriend left. That was super sexy. I was thinking about it all night,”

“I remember hearing you jerk off that night - at least I know why you were extra loud now. I like knowing that I have my very own Kirkenbeast. If anyone else knew what a God you are in bed, they’d all be wanting a piece,” Jeff purred.

Evan blushed deeply and buried his face in Jeff’s chest, making Jeff laugh and wrap his arms around Evan. He liked this. He liked how only he could make Evan blush like he was now. He liked how Evan curled his fingers in his shirt when he was trying to compose himself. And he especially like the little kiss Evan pecked to his lips when he finally lifted his head.

“We should probably be heading back. I can only imagine what they’ll be insinuating when we arrive together,” Evan smiled.

“Mm, but it’s not like we haven’t had practice in warding off their accusations, is it?” Jeff said warmly.

“Very true,” Evan grinned.

He linked his fingers with the taller man’s, knowing how they wouldn’t have the chance to do this again until they were next alone.

“I love you,” Evan said softly.

“And I love you,” Jeff said in the same tone, “Let’s head back, yeah?”

It only took the two of them 20 minutes to reach the buses again, but for some strange reason there was no-one about. Huh.

“Either their all on the buses fucking, or someone’s said something weird about a sexual act and everyone else has run away scared,” Jeff announced.

Evan giggled. “My bet is Rian and Grieco. They do all sorts of weird shit,”

“You’re probably right, Kirkenhottie,” Jeff mused.

"There are only so many times I can walk in on Grieco's ass eating up Rian's dick though - there's only so much theraputic sex you can give me,” Evan grinned.

Jeff laughed and pecked a kiss to his lips. They headed towards the crew bus, taking their chances. It’s not like they hadn’t walked in on one couple doing something weird before. Evan couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the bus was empty. More alone time for him and Jeff…

“So, how much time do we have before anyone comes back on here?” Evan murmured, tugging Jeff towards him with his fingers through the belt loops on his jeans.

“I’d say half an hour. Plenty of time for…hang on, can you hear…panting?” Jeff asked quietly.

Evan pouted but strained to listen. And he did - he heard panting. Shit, who was on the bus?! Before he could ask Jeff, Jeff was already walking down towards the back lounge. Evan watched as his boyfriend quietly cracked open the sliding door, frowning as Jeff quickly closed the door and backed away. Evan frowned even more when he saw Jeff grinning.

“Flyzik and Colussy are in there. Colussy was giving Flyzik a handjob and they were making out so heavily that they didn’t even notice me. Hah!” Jeff snickered, grabbing Evan’s hand.

“That means if you text Ian and Vinny about it, they’ll be distracted by them and not come looking for us,” Evan grinned.

“Already on it, Kirkenbabe,” Jeff smirked, wiggling his phone.

The two of them grimaced when they heard someone cry out in pleasure (Evan would bet his brand new Zelda game that it was Flyzik), and quickly left the bus.

“Let’s go to the sound booth. At least that way we can pretend we’re doing last minute checks on the equipment,” Jeff suggested.

Evan just nodded, letting Jeff lead him. Ian and Vinny passed them on the way with excited grins on their faces, not even noticing that Evan and Jeff were holding hands. That was always a good sign. In no time at all, they were up in the sound and lighting booth, completely alone. Jeff grinned and pulled Evan tightly against him, wasting no time in pressing their lips together. Evan moaned softly and eagerly kissed back, clutching the older man’s body as hard as he could.

There were no words to describe how Jeff’s body made Evan feel. All he knew was that whenever Jeff’s touch left him, he wanted it back, straight away. He was addicted to Jeff and he knew it, but he didn’t care. He loved every second of it.

He loved how one of Jeff’s hands would go to the back of his head, threading through his short hair, while the other hand would switch between his lower back and his ass, occasionally slipping down past his boxers and onto bare flesh. He loved how Jeff’s tongue would toy with his own, more than light touches but never fully what he craved, until Jeff’s desires took over him completely and he would tangle their tongues together passionately. And he loved how Jeff’s hips would rotate in tiny circles, grinding just enough to arouse the both of them to a point where they had to take things a little further.

Like now, for instance, where all of those actions led to Jeff pushing Evan into a seat and dropping to his knees, reaching for the younger man’s jeans.

“Fuck yes,” Evan moaned softly, his head dropping back to rest on the top of the chair.

Jeff just grinned and pulled Evan’s jeans and boxers down to his ankles, revealing his already-leaking hard-on. Evan moaned again, only encouraging Jeff to lean down and take Evan’s tip into his mouth, sucking lightly.

“M-More,” Evan whimpered, his hands travelling to the back of Jeff’s head. Not that he was intending to push Jeff’s head down or anything, he just needed something to hold onto.

Jeff just smiled and slowly took Evan in, inch by inch, until his nose was pressed to the short curls at Evan’s base. Evan moaned as he felt his dick brush the back of Jeff’s throat, desperately trying not to buck his hips because he knew that, despite Jeff looking super-human, he too had a gag-reflex like everyone else. Jeff’s hands squeezed Evan’s thighs as he started to bob his head, his lips creating the perfect pressure, his tongue creating the perfect swirl.

Evan’s moans were soft but constant, only turning Jeff on more with each one. As Jeff continued to bob his head, sucking a little harder each time, Evan felt delirious, his head practically swimming with pleasure. As if he would ever share this knowledge, the knowledge of just how good Jeff Maker really was with his lips, with any of their friends. Evan whimpered as Jeff groaned around him, opening his eyes to see that Jeff had unzipped his own jeans, and was fisting himself in time with his bobs on Evan’s dick.

“You have no idea how hot you look right now,” Evan breathed, making Jeff look up at him.

Jeff smirked at how wrecked his boyfriend sounded, and dug his tongue into Evan’s slit. Evan cried out and stiffened impossibly, before arching his back and coming in long hot spurts into Jeff’s mouth. Jeff worked Evan through his peak, waiting until Evan was spent to finish himself off, coming with a grunt across his fist and the floor. Shit, they’d have to clean that up before anyone else saw it. Oh well, that wasn’t important right now. What was important was how beautiful Evan looked in the afterglow of his orgasm, a completely blissed out expression on his face, including a goofy grin.

“You’re amazing,” Evan said happily, pulling his jeans and boxers back up, and zipping himself into them.

“You’re pretty amazing yourself,” Jeff grinned, zipping himself up too.

Evan grinned even more as Jeff pressed a slow kiss to his lips, keeping that grin as Jeff sat in his own chair next to him. This was the life. Nothing could get any better than this, and he knew it.

“Fucking Ian. Fucking Vinny. Fucking job. Fucking questions with the same fucking answers,”

Evan snapped out of his happy thoughts as Flyzik stormed through the door, ranting to himself.

“Everything okay, Flyzik?” Jeff mused, raising an eyebrow.

“Fucking peachy, as always,” Flyzik muttered, “Is everything set for tonight?”

“Yeah, we’re all sorted,” Evan nodded.

“No problems or missing equipment or anything?” Flyzik asked.

“Nope, everything here’s and ready,” Jeff reassured.

“At least something’s sorted. See you later,” Flyzik grunted.

And with that, Flyzik left, muttering to himself again. Jeff burst into laughter, as did Evan. That had been close. Very close.

“I swear, that guy just needs to give into Colussy,” Jeff grinned.

“One day he’ll figure out that he needs Colussy’s affection. You wait and see,” Evan said confidently.

“I’ll hold you to that,” Jeff chuckled, “Now, how about a kiss?”

“You read my mind,” Evan smiled.

author: whntomorrow, genre: bandfic, pairing: evan kirkendall/jeff maker, rating: nc-17, i'm not dead verse

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