Mar 25, 2006 16:16
I have just gotten some of the best news I have heard all year. MY SAUERKRAUT NEIGHBOR MOVES IN OCTOBER!!!! I will be rid of her done, Fin! And hopefully whoever moves in next will be completely opposite of her. Living in the military does have its benefits. Oh and I love how she makes out like I am the one who is mean and doesn't care about her, or is so rude to her. I guess she forgot about all the complaints she has made, telling me how I need to keep my yard up, and the fact that no one in the town likes her. In her mind I acting the way she is, like a Bitch. Which recently is very true considering that because she made previous complaints about our dog, our house got inspected (you gotta love the military for that benefit) the German housing division can just walk into your house whenever they damn well please and search; no given warning, no heads up, they just use the master key and go on right in, whether you are at home or not. I am not the only one this happened to apparantly. But I am very happy to be getting rid of the bitch! Yea!