Join me and COLAGE in this year's Support Our Community Campaign!

Oct 14, 2009 07:19

It’s that time of year again! October has quite a few important anniversaries. This is the time of year that COLAGE celebrates it’s 19th birthday and we do so through or Support Our Community Campaign ( )! COLAGE is a national movement of children, youth, and adults, with one or more lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or queer (LGBTQ) parent/s. We Build community and work toward social justice through youth empowerment, leadership development, education, and advocacy. I can’t tell you how many kids have told me that thanks to the dedicated work of COLAGE, they’ve realized that they’re not alone. This work is only possible because of the generous donations of people like you.

I’m writing this note to you from Orlando, Florida. This weekend's meeting here marks my 4th year on COLAGE's national board of directors and second as board chair. When I joined the board in 2005, I was excited, nervous, and inspired. I’d been volunteering with COLAGE for 2 years and had fallen in love with this community. I’d witness the powerful impact that COLAGE has had on children, families, institutions, and state laws, helping ALL families get the recognition, rights, and respect that they deserve. Since my time on the board my understanding of and gratitude for COLAGE’s commitment to social justice has only deepened. While this meeting also marks my transition off of the board I feel very confident in the new leadership that’s stepping up to take things forward. It is with this in mind that I ask you, now more than ever to support COLAGE’s work into the future.

This weekend also marked what would have been my father’s 71st birthday. And as I move forward in my efforts to support this movement, I do so in honor of the legacy and lessons that he left with me, as well as COLAGE’s impact on my perspective. COLAGE has really helped me know that when it comes to my family, our difference is our strength. And no amount of gay bashing or homophobic legislation can take that strength away from me.

So it is with all of these important milestones in mind that I ask you to give. Our Support Our Community campaign runs through the month of October. (also, in honor of National Coming Out Month!) In honor of our 19th anniversary, we’re asking at least 19 people to give $19. If you’ve never given to COLAGE before, you could start with a small donation. If you’ve given to COLAGE before, perhaps you can strengthen your commitment by raising the amount you give. I know I’m pledging to double my monthly donation in the coming calendar year. Won’t you join me?

To show your support follow this link -

With Gratitude,
- Whitney Moses
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