Jun 25, 2009 22:57
God told Moses to tell Pharaoh, "You've ignored me long enough. Let my people go, or this time it's locusts to eat the trees and fill your houses." Pharaoh's servants said, "Maybe it's time to listen to this guy?"
So Pharaoh said, "Right - who all's going?" To which Moses replied, "Oh, just everybody and our animals, so we can have a feast." Pharaoh said, "You're kidding, right? Get out!" So God brought in locusts from the east, in the worst locust infestation ever. They ate up all the plants. Pharaoh had Moses brought back, and said, "I messed up bad!" So God drove the locusts into the sea, but didn't let Pharaoh send the Israelites out. Then He caused three days of intense darkness, but the Israelites had light.
Pharaoh told Moses, "You can go, and your children, but not with your livestock." Moses replied, "But we have to have them, so we can make sacrifices." But God didn't let Pharaoh agree, and he sent Moses away for the last time.
Then God told Moses, "Okay, we're almost done here." He had Moses tell His people that He'd be killing all the firstborn of Egypt that night - but none of the Israelites - and you'll be ejected from Egypt."