Assult on Lower Falls Cave

Dec 25, 2007 01:36

20071222-LowerFalls-02, originally uploaded by whittikerowens.
This is the only photo I took on a very eventful yet inconclusive assault on the mythical Lower Falls Cave - which If i ever make it to, will be naming it Lone Star Cave.

Once passing the bridge, a giant pile of ice lay before us as the only ground to pass across to reach the cave.
The mist from the falls combined with very gusty wind and freezing temperates ultimately created icicles on the wall of the gorge, which, as they broke free and fell, they piled up on the side of the river. We were basically walking through a giant ice maker.

We were also walking into a wall of mist being blown horizonatly and head on.

Add that to the constantly falling large chunks of ice to our right, and an icy, rocky tumble into a swift moving river on the left, we opted to abort the mission. A second attempt will commence once we are properly outfitted for the conditions.
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