i'm ba-ack

Jun 15, 2004 22:18

Well I had a blast in Key West...lots of fun with momma and macie and the sun and pool and ocean..
but now i have to return to the normal life and i dont want to!

tonight i played softball on the Lost Dog team for the Ithaca Women's softball league.. it was a lot of fun..
I played Shortstop and I caught the first out of the game. it was exciting. and it was a very "one in a million" sort of catch. so i felt proud of myself

my bedroom is REALLY freakign HOT.. and my roommate's dog is barking.. what else is new.
i move out of here in 2 weeks. and i can't say that i'll miss it TOO much. I love having my own apartment and it has been strange just renting a room really.. but it was definitely good at the time..

i am going to fine tune my resume tomorrow and hopefully acquire a job at the Montessori school in ithaca.

i'm tired.
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