Take-Out and Tippingsprings1August 20 2006, 21:05:25 UTC
#12 Continued
Can you tell me WHY should I tip for the SAME AMOUNT of SERVICE that we all NEVER tip for at a fast food place(NOT including Sonic) just because it happens to be a "SIT DOWN" restaurant? At KFC for instance, I’ve gotten a 6 piece meal with sides. They put my plastic utensils and napkins. They put it into a bag and they took the order. I’ve even seen the CASHIER get some of the food like she got a thong for the biscuits and put them in HERSELF in the box, meaning, SHE BOXED food for NO TIP at all. Isn’t that the SAME EXACT THING that a sit-down restaurant to-go employees do? I am NOT talking about people that get car-side-to-go. Bringing me my food to my car IS service to tip for, but me getting out of my car to pick it up inside the restaurant ISN’T service to tip for, because it’s just like picking up McDonald’s, which is called “COUNTER SERVICE.” COUNTER SERVICE, IS JUST THAT, COUNTER SERVICE LIKE FAST FOOD PLACES(EXCLUDING SONIC DRIVE-IN OBVIOUSLY)!
I will repeat it again in a little different way incase if you don’t understand how STUPID and RIDICULOUS it is to tip for take-out.
The take-out servers and fast food servers(excluding Sonic Drive-in) do the following:
1. Bag my stuff. 2. Put me napkins and utensils. 3. Put any condiments in a bag. 4. Ring the order up initially. 5. Put money in register when customer gets there.
What's to tip for here? FAST FOOD PEOPLE DO THE SAME EXACT THINGS? Do you truly know of a difference? A phone called order is just like if I was standing telling the cashier what I wanted. It's just a DIFFERENT way of taking an order down. KFC workers do more work. The utensils are separate from napkins. Applebee's has it all-in-one little bag with a napkin, fork, knife, and salt & pepper packets also. A KFC worker that TOOK MY ORDER AND RUNG IT UP AS WELL got chicken and biscuits to put into the boxes. She even put the sides in the containers. Those employees don't get tips, so WHY tip for LESS WORK at Applebee's? That's just plain STUPID and VERY UNFAIR!
WHY tip for service that we don't ALL TIP FOR when we order at fast food places? THAT is NOT FAIR to tip for a take-out entree at Chili's, but NOT for a combo at McDonald's. When I order hotcakes and sausage at McDonald's, the cashiers get me butters, syrups, knives, forks, and jelly for my sausage. They bag it too and ring me up as well just like a to-go server. Do they get a tip for that? I think NOT! Is that truly *FAIR* if I don’t tip them, but I tip a Chili’s employee for my to-go entrée? HELL NO, IT’S NOT and fast food workers may end up doing even MORE WORK than that Chili’s employee for no tip at all. That’s just NOT FAIR, it really ISN’T! WHY wouldn’t you want to be FAIR TO EVERYBODY in the world and tip when for the *AMOUNT OF WORK* that is being done and COMPARE it to what we don’t tip for? It’s just not right to tip for one pasta entrée with the bag of utenils and napkin(all-in-one), but not to tip for a McDonald’s combo that the server has to fill a glass, bag the food, and give condiments like mayo if it is requested. THAT’S MORE WORK than that ONE pasta entree, but they NEVER get tipped. It’s just NOT FAIR!
Can you tell me WHY should I tip for the SAME AMOUNT of SERVICE that we all NEVER tip for at a fast food place(NOT including Sonic) just because it happens to be a "SIT DOWN" restaurant? At KFC for instance, I’ve gotten a 6 piece meal with sides. They put my plastic utensils and napkins. They put it into a bag and they took the order. I’ve even seen the CASHIER get some of the food like she got a thong for the biscuits and put them in HERSELF in the box, meaning, SHE BOXED food for NO TIP at all. Isn’t that the SAME EXACT THING that a sit-down restaurant to-go employees do? I am NOT talking about people that get car-side-to-go. Bringing me my food to my car IS service to tip for, but me getting out of my car to pick it up inside the restaurant ISN’T service to tip for, because it’s just like picking up McDonald’s, which is called “COUNTER SERVICE.” COUNTER SERVICE, IS JUST THAT, COUNTER SERVICE LIKE FAST FOOD PLACES(EXCLUDING SONIC DRIVE-IN OBVIOUSLY)!
I will repeat it again in a little different way incase if you don’t understand how STUPID and RIDICULOUS it is to tip for take-out.
The take-out servers and fast food servers(excluding Sonic Drive-in) do the following:
1. Bag my stuff.
2. Put me napkins and utensils.
3. Put any condiments in a bag.
4. Ring the order up initially.
5. Put money in register when customer gets there.
What's to tip for here? FAST FOOD PEOPLE DO THE SAME EXACT THINGS? Do you truly know of a difference? A phone called order is just like if I was standing telling the cashier what I wanted. It's just a DIFFERENT way of taking an order down. KFC workers do more work. The utensils are separate from napkins. Applebee's has it all-in-one little bag with a napkin, fork, knife, and salt & pepper packets also. A KFC worker that TOOK MY ORDER AND RUNG IT UP AS WELL got chicken and biscuits to put into the boxes. She even put the sides in the containers. Those employees don't get tips, so WHY tip for LESS WORK at Applebee's? That's just plain STUPID and VERY UNFAIR!
WHY tip for service that we don't ALL TIP FOR when we order at fast food places? THAT is NOT FAIR to tip for a take-out entree at Chili's, but NOT for a combo at McDonald's. When I order hotcakes and sausage at McDonald's, the cashiers get me butters, syrups, knives, forks, and jelly for my sausage. They bag it too and ring me up as well just like a to-go server. Do they get a tip for that? I think NOT! Is that truly *FAIR* if I don’t tip them, but I tip a Chili’s employee for my to-go entrée? HELL NO, IT’S NOT and fast food workers may end up doing even MORE WORK than that Chili’s employee for no tip at all. That’s just NOT FAIR, it really ISN’T! WHY wouldn’t you want to be FAIR TO EVERYBODY in the world and tip when for the *AMOUNT OF WORK* that is being done and COMPARE it to what we don’t tip for? It’s just not right to tip for one pasta entrée with the bag of utenils and napkin(all-in-one), but not to tip for a McDonald’s combo that the server has to fill a glass, bag the food, and give condiments like mayo if it is requested. THAT’S MORE WORK than that ONE pasta entree, but they NEVER get tipped. It’s just NOT FAIR!
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