Jul 05, 2005 15:45
Thursday- Woke up and then chris called and said he was comming to get me. So i threw my self together and then we went to the mall. We got Glen Paul a shirt from hollister for his birthday and chris got some shirts too. Typical chris, he can never go to the mall with out buying something. So then we left and went back to his house nad got him packed and stuff and my mom came and got us and we headed up north. Deff took us almost 4 hours....my mom needs to learn how to drive. Got up there, went and saw the grents and then the other grents and aunt kathy and sam. Then i went home and i showered and then we went up to the bar and ate dinner with matt and shirley and the kids. Me and chris played some pool...he kicked by butt of course. Then came home watched Scary movie and then went to bed.
Friday- Woke up, it was crappy outside so we went to walmart with my mom. Must say we got ALOT of food, and Chris was deff going crazy but it was hillarious! Gosh i love him! then we came home and just sat around all day. Watched Not another Teen Movie and then megs got up there. We then went and ate dinner and then we decided to go to town and get gas. Well chris kept telling megan to speed and she was like No but then he told her not to but then she was and we got pulled over...of course and of course we didnt even find a damn speedway! lol On our way home stoped at the bar and talked to joel and chris got some food. Then we went out in the woods and chris was driving and we were telling him where to go and we deff made a wrong turn, but we wernt worried, but he was! It was deff funny, and we didnt see any deer. Then we just hung out the rest of the night i think, prank called some people megan doing hte bear voice and chris doing kermit! Wow i love thise kids
Saturday- Woke up mom made breakfest...it was beautiful. Got on our bathing suits, launched the jetskis and we were out on the water most of the day! Had sooo much fun! came home for a little bit and just chilled. Showered and stuff and then it was time for dinner. GROSS STUFF lemme tell ya! My grandma is italian and you know how they are suppose ot be good cooks....well she sucks! lol So then we left and went to Grandma Millers house. Watched everyone get ready for the boat parade, me and chris didnt do it though. Then we watched it for a lil bit and then left and then went back and got megan and then we just hung out and stuff. Then Larry and Carrie and the gang came over and it was like a big party. Then we left and went to grandmas and watched the fireworks.....alot of people on the lake had good ones! then we left and went and hung out with everyone and then we took my sis and dave to the bar and then me and chris drove all the way home in the dark on teh golf cart with a lil flashlight! lol Then we got home and i made us grilled cheeses and then we went back to lemieux 2 for a lil bit where the party was and then we took my dad home nad went to bed.
Sunday- Woke up and it was nice out again....just hung out by the water for most of the day again. Then we went to the bar and got some food because all 3 of us wanted abr food. Then we went to my house and my mom had the family over for sloppy joes and hamburgers. but we didnt really eat because we had just gottenback from the bar not that long ago. Then i spilt choclate milk all over me and then i cleaned that up and got in the shower because i was all sticky. Megan and chris left well i got ready and then they came back and got me and we went to town and got gas...for real this time. Then we came back and went to grandmas and went out on the paddle boat and then went back to lemieux 2 and chris played euchure with my mom aunt shirley and dave. While they did that me and megs played skipbo because we both dont know how to play euchure. Then we went to grandmas and had pizza pies and smores. Then we went back to lemieux 4(my house) and my uncle doug(megs dad) was so drunk and he was singing and dancing to shania twain. Then Chris told him that shania was his aunt and my auncle believed him. It was deff prob one of the funniest things ever...thank god my mom got it on video tape. Then me joel megs kristine dave and mike took chris snipe hunting. Joel stayed with chris while we all ditched them. Then joel turned around and said o my gosh wat was that i think it was a bear adn shut off the flash light and ran and then chris just took of in the other directoin heading home. He made it home before we did and then he hid in the closet while we went out looking for him because we felt bad because joel left him all by himself flashlight less but i guess chris had a feeling we were gonna just leave him in the woods and it was all a joke so he brough his cell phone with him for light. Then me kristine dave megan and mike went looking for him. We split up and me and kristine and dave were on the golf cart. Well we couldnt find him and we ran into mike and megs and we were freaking out finally we got home and figured out he was in the hosue. Then chris called alyssa and had her act like shania twaina nd talk to my uncle doug. It was soo funny but then alyssa blew it. Then we just B.S'd around all night and then went to bed
Monday- Woke up and just sat around then got ready and then me and chris went to west branch with my mom and aunt shirley and my sister and dave met us up there. We shopped for a lil bit and stuff and then kristine and dave left. Then me and chris tried to find my mom but we couldnt but we ran into vince! Chris was like wow i come up north and i still cant get away from people i know! lol it was funny. Then we finally found my mom and me and him my mom and my aunt went to applebees. Then we went to the coach store and i got a new purse:) and then we left and headed home. Chris had to drive because my mom and aunt had some margaritas at applebees! lol We stopped at walmart because my aunt wanted to get some stuff. Chris got in trouble for riding the bikes around! gosh that kid cracks me up! lol then we left and went to lemieux 2. me and chris had to carry a tv that my aunt bought. And i dunno what i was thinking but i like let go and fell back on the couch and the tv fell on my face and deff took off some skin. Yeah i deff had some blonde moments this weekend! lol Then we went back to my house nad matt and shirley and sue and bill were tehre with the kids. Well i went in and took a shower adn then watched scary movie againw ith chris. jonny and nick came in and watched a lil of it but then they left. Then me and chris layed down for a lil bit and then we played monopoly with my mom. Yeah so im pretty sure that i was winning the game and chris was loosinga nd then the next thing i know im soo poor that i have to turn over. Then chris and my mom stayed up till 3in the morning playing because they would both not give up. Chris was sooo winning but then the bank ran out of money so the game had to end. I dunno what happneed because when we counted the money my mom had more. It was deff really strange. Then we went to bed.
Today- Chris woke me up at 1030 because there was a dog at my hosue and we had to go find the owners. i deff did not want to get up! so we just layed around for like another half hour. Then we finally threw ourselves together and found the owners. Then we went to grandmas and got our stuff that we left there i gave her a present and then chris drove teh jet ski to matts. i met him there on the golf cart and then matt and chris beached it and then we left and went back to my place. Cleaned and packed up the car and then we had to go say goodbye to grandma and granpa lemieux. Then we had to go to matts and put the cover on the jet ski. Then we were on the road. We stopped somewhere and ate on the way home and before i kenw it we were home. Then we took chris home and came back here. Dad ordered me pizza and i jsut had some and now im getting ready to go out with megs.