Legal Blogging

Feb 26, 2009 19:51

I am going to start blogging every time I have a run in with my ex husband.  This way I have something to show as proof of what happened during either the phone conversation or the visit.  Here's the first of it.

About 45 minutes ago, Donald called and talked to the kids.  While he was talking to Alexis, the other line beeped and Alexis handed the phone over to me.  I put it up to my ear to tell Donald to hold on for just a minute so that I could tell my friend that I would call her back since he was talking to the kids.  When I did this I heard his girlfriend, Jana, in the background saying "I would just hang up on the b***h".  I just hit the button to switch lines and told my friend that I would call her back and switched lines again back to Donald.  Again, Jana was talking in the background cussing me and calling me names.  I handed the phone back to Alexis hoping that she would stop.

After he talked to Kenzie and Jaison, Kenzie handed me the phone saying that Donald wanted to talk to me.  He started off by asking if everything was going ok with the kids and I said yes everything was fine.  Then he asked me if I have received anything from the IRS stating that I was "in big trouble for f*****g up on my taxes and claiming the kids".  (Verbatim word for word)  I told him that I had not gotten anything from the IRS but was sure that I would soon since I filed an amendment with the IRS.  He then just started talking about the divorce decree and how I still owed him half of my tax return from 2007 taxes, on which I claimed the kids because he signed the necessary documents for me to do so.  I stayed calm and only said "mmhmm" and "uhhuh" to his rantings.  He then proceeded to tell me that he was taking me back to court to get full custody of the kids.  His words were "Oh, and I'm not just taking you to court to make you pay for all of this mess, but also, I want my kids back."  Again his girlfriend was in the background cussing me and saying "Yeah, b***h, then you'll have to pay US child support."  He then he said goodnight and hung up. 

legal blogging

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