May 26, 2005 08:56

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!   IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!      YAAAAYYYY!!!!  I'M SIXTEEN!!!!!  WOOOOOO!!!!!!........Ok, I'm good now.  Yep.  Anyway, I'm going to get my liscence today after lunch.  They're only doing it from 1 to 3.  So I'm leaving around 12ish.  AND I'M GONNA GET MY LISCENCE  YAYYY!!!!!!!  Yeah, that's all great and wonderful, I'm in a fantabulous mood.  This morning, my momma gave me a pillow thingy that says sophomore friends, and has a little pouch to put a picture in.  And you're supposed to go around and get a bunch of your sophomore friends to sign it, but I was thinking about it, and I dont have very many sophomore friends, so I think I'm gonna get a picture of all my friends and let them all sign it....yayy!!!  Woo!  And Sara gave me some earrings....very cute earrings I might add.  Yayy!!  Wow, I'm hyper, duh, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!  Yep, I'm going shopping saturday.  YAYYY!!!  Ok, well, Here are some pictures that I was playing with last night, and I wanted to post them.  Yayyy!!!

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