Mar 23, 2007 17:40
is give peace a chance.
man oh man.
it has been months upon months since i have updated this thing.
and soooo much has changed.
major updates::
-colt moved to ellensburg.
so yea. colt moved away from me. and only like one month after kayt went back to kennewick. it sucks so bad. i miss him more than i ever thought possible. we're still together and everything, but things just arent the same. hes coming to visit tomorrow though, so that should be nice. i really really hope things continue to work out for us. i love him so much. its just, a girl has her needs you know? and sometimes i feel like sleeping next to him MAYBE a couple nights a month just isnt what i want right now. i need affection 24-7. thats how i've always been. im all about the PDAs and the snuggling. but so far, so good. i hope things stay that way. <3
++my sister is pregnant!
yup. we found out right after christmas that she was pregnant. i of course started bawling when i found out. and the best part about it:: SHES HAVING A BOY! haha. im so excited. on top of that, both mariah and precia are pregnant [with boys] too. i have so many baby showers to go to. :) also, my sister and shima are finally engaged. they plan on getting married july 08. i cant wait. maid of honor here i come. haha.
++got a new job.
my first week of my new job is over. i started last sunday. i am now a barista at the main Tullys inside of Boeing. it fucking rocks. i work with awesome people and make good money. im talkin eleven bucks an hour to stand around, clean, and make coffee. its sweet. my hours are:: SUNDAY 9:30pm - 3:30am MONDAY-THURSDAY 8:30pm - 3:30am. so yea, i work graveyard. but thats why i make 2 dollars an hour more than the other people. it rules. its gunna take a little bit of time getting used to the hours though. i cant wait to get my first paycheck so i can spoil myself with some new shit. haha.
thats all the stuff i can really think of right now. i've had a lot of ups and downs in the past few months. more downs than ups im sure. but thats what happens when your best friend and your boyfriend move across state and you're left to find out who your real friends are. and it turns out, i dont have many. i have my shintaro though. and he's what keeps me goin on. hes my BFF. and i love him to death. plus i got tracy. and bryce. and spah of course. and im making new friends at work. so things should be getting better as the days go on.
time to go eat though. im starving.
peace and love.