Aug 02, 2004 07:00
Well, here I am. I have been doing nothing but working and hanging out in really random places. I moved to Hixson where I live cozily with cave crickets and now have a very interesting story to tell concerning a mouse and it's unlikely death in my toilet. I am awake now because I have to stay awake so that I can go to the bank and cash my cheerful little checks so I can pay my rent. Nikki will be back soon.
I realized tonight that I have a lot of drugs in my personal possession. I also realized I have already spent about 100 dollars on cocaine in the past week. Man, that is sad. My nose is tingling in weird places. I think that means that I need to quit it. I'm glad I have will power or I would have become a drug addict a long long time ago. I am so sleepy it is stupid. Just one more hour until I can go home.
Today Ed suggested that I should be a manager at the store. I can see it now. Whitney the manager of City Cafe. How terrifying is that shit.
I was cleaning out my box of stuff from the car accident (the stuff that was in the trunk that I had to rip out through the back seat) and have unfortunately found about... oh...7 UTC library books.. they have to be like 3 months over due. How awesome. I suppose I should take them back. Ugh. Anyway. This is all. I think I'm going to soak in the tub.