Shit. I'm here again because I can't get my new blog to embed into the website. I'm such a joke when it comes to web work. I pretend like I know what the hell I'm doing but
miadzin is the brain. I dare not even copy & paste when he's not around.
I feel like a kid on these pages. The interface is brightly colored and a little patronizing. Livejournal is a delivery system for youth. Enthusiastic misspellings and badly coded image links.
But I remember everything. I remember scrolling at top speed thru
desire2inspire shunting it directly to my unconscious for processing. I remember following
elysesewell &
imomus religiously, and the lifetimes of sartorial education I got at the hands of
bygonefashion, and
maleeditorials. And I remember all of my peers -- visual & journalistic -- blogs that cause a full-stop of the scroll wheel. Dead in my tracks.
So, until my grown-up blog materializes, I'm back to youth. Take none of this seriously.
In the background a good portion of Los Angeles continues to burn and in the foreground dancers from
El Colegio del Cuerpo of Cartagena perform site work at the California Plaza. This particular
slideshow kicks enormous amounts of ass, much to my surprise, and I'm going to find a way to work some of the images into the permanent website.
Leigh Ann called the night before to tell me about the noon show, which turned out to be the best work they would perform all weekend -- and then later she got me into the rehearsal space to pull the dancers aside for portraits. The film is in a box beside me as I type and I can't wait to get to the lab tomorrow. I always get the jitters and wonder if I'll mix the chemistry badly and ruin irreplaceable hours. I've never worried about pixels in the same way. But I've also never carried magnets in my pockets.
I'm behind on not two but three separate jobs, not to mention a mountain of email, wedding planning & I want to watch the English Patient with Jason. That is all.