Fic: HP, (rl/sb, rl/omc, rl/nt, &c.), drabble, "He is alone in his bed."

Feb 08, 2010 18:08

Title: "He is alone in his bed."
Word Count: 322
Author: whitmans_kiss
Rating: PG
Warnings: angst, implied sex
Characters; Pairings: Remus Lupin; Remus/Sirius, Remus/OMCs, Remus/Max Krause (OMC), Remus/Tonks
Disclaimer: All characters property of JKRowling. Story is original and mine.
Author's Notes: For toujours_nigel, the author of this beautiful drabble, which got the ( Read more... )

fic: length: [drabble], hp, writing, hp: [lollyverse], hp: [remus/omc], fic, hp: [remus/sirius], hp: [remus/tonks], hp: [remus/max krause], toujours_nigel

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Comments 2

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whitmans_kiss February 9 2010, 22:20:43 UTC
He does need to be petted.

Poor bastard.

*pets half of him and offers the other half*


ceredwensirius February 15 2010, 22:00:39 UTC
This just breaks my heart. I've been meaning to get over here to comment, but especially because I know all he has to do is talk to Sirius. Gah!

But the writing is beautiful, with such sadness and frustrating acceptance.

I want to beat him, and then hug him.


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