ben barnes' pop star career, all 3.0 minutes of it

Aug 20, 2010 11:20

I think I've shared this somewhere before, but this video never, ever, ever fails to make me smile, and I really needed it today.

It's the bloody Marauders, you guys. My boys. How I love them.

Presenting, in order of solos: Remus, Sirius, and James, with a cameo by Blaise (who would like to add that the only reason he is in this video is because he lost a bet).

Peter, unfortunately, has been banished to the sound booth - but he's always been more of a groupie, anyway.

image Click to view

hp: [remus lupin], hp: [mwpp], hp, hp: [sirius black], youtube, general awesomeness, for the lulz, music

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