Aug 21, 2005 00:55
Dear Ms. Ashlyn,
As an attendee of your birthday celebration at the park on Monday, what should I bring? I was thinking of baking brownies. If this is not acceptable, please let me know. I think others are wondering about what sorts of foods to bring, so info would be greatly appreciated! Can't wait for this kickass party to begin! Yay for picnics and birthdays and puppies and unicorns and rainbows!
Your friend,
Dear Girls Who Love Laguna Beach,
If you love Laguna Beach, you should read the Gossip Girl books. Yeah, they're young adult reads, but so what? They're good. LB set in NYC. Gotta love it.
You know you love me,
Dear Vicki,
I was at the mall tonight so I tried to bring you your CD's, but alas, I could not find you. Will you be at Ashlyn's picnic? If so, I can bring such treasures to you there. If not, I will see you on ye old ISU campus or at ye old somewhere in Terre Haute. Love you!
Your CD Babysitter,
Dear Headache,
Go away. I hate you.
Not Love,