Jan 31, 2006 17:57
I am watching the state of the union address and saw a breaking news story: Cindy Sheehan an anit-war activist was invited by a California sentator to attend the address, so while she was sitting in her seat she unraveled an anti-war banner. After this police arrested her because it is against the rules of the House.
I am furious that someone would get arrested for only that. I can see them kicking her out, but not arresting her. What laws did she break, "the freedom of speech law?" From what I've seen from George Bush is that rules are meant to be broken (Privacy Laws). I think that anyone that disagrees with the president is made out to be the bad guy and look stupid. They don't really have a reason to arrest her other than she is in opposition of George Bush.
Alito got into the Supreme court also. Alito is there for what seems an eternity. I don't like it one little bit. I am scared of what is to come of this. I am also very scared of what is to come of George Bush being our president. I wish that someone had the power to take the Power that GW now has. It seems that he's unstoppable. I fucking despise him and am wondering why it is that someone hasn't taken an assassination attempt like other presidents have had.
If I had the time I would take the time to protest against him. Actually I'm sure that there is something but I just don't know where to look. I'm sure there's some sort of website that I could look up. I think I'll try that.