Jan 04, 2006 13:16
So I am at the library because we don't have internet at our house yet to save us some money until either Jess or myself get a job. I've had 4 interviews with Enterprise rent a car as a manager in training. That's good I guess but I wish I knew something now. It's very stressfull. I jammed with a band on monday that was fun, but they aren't really my style. They thought I was great and everything but they are a bit too butt rock for me. They are into Iron Maiden and a bunch of old shit. I'm looking to go forward musically but I may still jam with them in the future just because it was fun playing again and those guys were pretty fun to hang out with. I contacted another band as well and they have 3 songs recorded with a drum machine so I've been working on that mostly. Their guitarist sounds a lot like Mark's style of playing which is cool. Their bass player is great too. I will audition with those guys probably this weekend after they try out a drummer on thursday. I'm sure I'll blow them away. My arms are sore because I haven't played like that for so long. Usually I just play stuff at my own pace which is totally different from jamming by myself. I also have blisters again, goddamnit, my calouses are all gone :( That's ok though, I'll develop them soon enough. There was this other band that calls their style of music horror punk. It's kind of interesting but I don't know if it's what I'm trying to go toward either. It's kind of like surfer punk with some goth thrown in. who know's maybe I'll have lots of fun with them. I checked out this cooking book for the library while I was waiting. It takes a frickin hour just to get to use a computer. I was sort of hungry while waiting for the comp and now after looking at the cookbook I am famished and am debating gnawing on the cookbook :) There are a few things that I've realized about this place. There's absolutely no way you can do anything in a hurry here. There are so many people that you have to wait in line. I went to the liquor store on new years and there was a line out the door. Dan came over with his new girlfriend too. It was really cool to chill with him again. We went to Jess's club and had a few. The other thing about this city is that there's a conspiracy to not allow anyone to take a frickin left turn. There are all these oneways and arrows that say left turns aren't allowed. Then if you do get onto a street that has a light for turning left it only lasts for about 3 seconds and then goes red so only about 2 cars can get thru. It's really lame. The drivers here are assholes too. I do like it that I have everything that I need very accessible and it takes 15 minutes to go 15 miles because of the freeways here. The shopping area is only 5 minutes from my house and theres a fred meyer here that is also a grocery store a block from our house. How cool is that. Not only that theres a video store and a videogame store in the parking lot there and a barber. Panda express is there too. It rocks. Plus papa murphy's is a block away too. We also have "on demand" cable here too so I won't miss any daily show anymore. YAY. There is so much shit to do here. On my birthday we're gonna go to Pyramid brewery and drink a bunch of beer. You guys are gonna have to come and visit my ass over here and we could go to the fat tire brewery too. Or the full sail brewery. Ha Ha. I'm in beer heaven. Plus there's pabtst in a bottle. I can go on too but I think this will probably technically the longest blog that I've ever written and I should go because I think I'm going to self destruct in approximately T minus 5 seconds :)
L8er Players,