Jan 31, 2005 12:15
I have heaps of things that I could be doing, such as designing Urban Darling- seeing as though I finally cracked the design (Orlando helped a good deal), or having a shower as I'm still in my pyjamas, or maybe some writing, or maybe the cleaning I'm suppost to do today...
...but instead I'm here, writing in my Livejournal and listening to Denis Leary sing "I'm an Asshole" . It ain't all bad.
So, what's the big news? Oh, not much, apart from the fact that I'm 90% sure that this week I'm going to be getting a brand new Apple ibook! I am so excited. SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED. You can't believe it. I'm trying to get my hands on some Mac programs so I won't have to sit there with no programs to use.. but yeah, I am so so excited about it.
And I'm already looking at names.
Now you can help, but I must admit I'm nearly entirely convinced on calling it Willow, after of course my favorite Buffy character and ibook user. But I could be swayed into other ideas. I've always named my computers- from Speedy (the first good pentium I owned) to Dorian (my current laptop) to my new ibook when it gets here.
Ok, so I just spent like half an hour looking for a picture of Willow with a white Ibook. No joy.