Aug 13, 2006 23:12
pretty much. And that sux. Just gonna try to take it one day at a time--'s all I can do yanno?
And to top it off I have court on Tuesday OR a bench warrant..
One thang I AM eXcited for is Saturday's reunion. N'll be dmn'd if I don't attend. It's the 72nd, my grandma is 82..she was 10 at hte first. But she's recovering from a broken hip/replacement AND I haven't seen her in 'bout 2mos...Dad said he was gonna call and have me talk to her from his cell yesterday when he visited--but I was at work + he figured she wouldn't remember me.
Breaks my heart (which yes, believe it or not I have one).
omg, y am i crying?! Such a pansy.
Times like these I have to remember this thing I was watching on BEt b4 I left for work the other day. There was a boy who was about 7, his 4 year old sister was bigger than him. He was lethargic and constantly sick, his mom spent ALL the money on his hospital bills and they were forced to movew ith his uncle in a one BR shack (this is in 'the motherland'). He was so weak a classmate took him home piggyback on a more tham 2mile trek...
Daddy says: TO blessed to be stressed, to annointed to be dissapointed.....
I'mma just pray on it..or meditate--hell w/e seems to work