Various: Cross-Post

Oct 10, 2010 15:33

Beauty and the Beast
Monster in the Mirror - Beast (Introspection/Character Study - G) One Shot
Firefly / Serenity
Figurin' Things Out - Jayne/River (Introspection/Character Study - PG) One Shot
Two by Two - Jayne/River (Introspection/Character Study/Romance/Fluff/Hurt/Comfort PG-13) Multipart
Dessert - Jayne/Mal/River (Romance/Fluff - R) One Shot
Harry Potter (Sentences)
Fragments - Charlie, Cho, Dudley, Dumbledore, Gabrielle, Oliver, Padma, Parvati, Peter, Petunia, Regulus, Ron, Rosemerta, Viktor, Voldemort, Xenophilus (Introspection/Character Study - G)
Fragments 2 - Charlie, Colin, Hagrid, McGonagall, Molly, Pansy, Percy, Ron, Tonks, Viktor (General - PG-13)
Lady and the Tramp
A Letter - Darling/Jim Dear and Lady/Tramp (Romance/Fluff - G)
A Letter - Jane/Tarzan (Romance/Fluff - G)
Always There - Jean/Rogue (Humor/Comedy - G) One Shot
Fragments 3 - Community, Leverage, Glee, The Mentalist, Bones - Jeff, Annie, Parker, Eliot, Emma, Cho, Jane, Lisbon, Brennan, Booth (Crack - G) Fragments

character: disney: jane porter, 2009, [hp], character: hp: ron, \era: ffs: post bdm, *genre: crack, character: hp: parvati, character: bones: booth, character: hp: rosemerta, character: batb: beast, gen: hp: hagrid/pansy, {romance, *genre: general, character: disney: lady, het: hp: ron/pansy, character: hp: dudley, character: hp: padma, {100_women, [firefly], gen: hp: charlie/viktor, character: disney: tarzan, character: hp: gabrielle, 2010, character: hp: percy, gen: hp: molly/viktor, character: bones: brennan, character: hp: xenophilus, character: hp: regulus, 2008, *genre: introspection, gen: hp: molly/percy, *genre: hurt/comfort, \era: x-men: x1, het: disney: jane/tarzan, character: disney: jim dear, *fic: drabble, het: disney: darling/jim dear, character: hp: viktor, character: hp: peter, het: disney: lady/tramp, character: hp: cho, {disneyverse, character: ffs: mal, *genre: romance/fluff, [disney], *fic: fragments, threesome: ffs: jayne/mal/river, character: mentalist: cho, character: hp: dumbledore, *genre: humor, gen: x-men: jean/rogue, [x-men], [beauty and the beast], character: disney: darling, *fic: multipart, het: ffs: jayne/river, *fic: short story, gen: hp: mcgonagall/ron, [glee], character: mentalist: lisbon, character: glee: emma, character: community: jeff, [community], character: disney: tramp, [lady and the tramp], character: hp: hagrid, character: hp: charlie, [bones], character: x-men: rogue, character: mentalist: patrick jane, character: hp: tonks, character: leverage: eliot, character: hp: colin, character: hp: petunia, character: hp: mcgonagall, \era: hp: trio, character: ffs: river, {meme, [leverage], character: community: annie, [tarzan], [mentalist], character: hp: pansy, character: x-men: jean, threesome: hp: colin/percy/tonks, character: hp: voldemort, character: hp: oliver, character: ffs: jayne, character: hp: molly

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