Title: A New Earth: Epilogue: In Which a New Earth Begins
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Castiel, Gabriel, Balthazar, Dean, Sam, Bobby, Michael, Raphael, Crowley, Adam, Raphael, Chuck, Joshua, Nancy, Metatron, Rufus, Zachariah, Henrickson, Uriel, Ellen, Virgil, Ash, Garth, Anna, Jo, Hester, Charlie, Inias, Kevin, Samandriel, Becky, Tessa, Jessica
Rating: PG-13
Genres: Humor, drama
Era: AU
Warnings: I tried to make it look like a Bible. I tried really hard.
Word Count: 851
Summary: Angels and hunters don't know each other. Apocalypse happens. Righteous humans given to angels on earth. Read a better summary
here. In the epilogue, Chuck wraps things up.
Notes: Okay, so Supernatural just gives out angel ranks willy-nilly, and they don't make any sense traditionally. So I just bluffed my way through this, kinda keeping the show's arrangement, but adding a few more as I saw fit.
II Chuck 8:12-31
12After the kidnapping of the seven humans and subsequent rescue, there were no major altercations with the Enemy. 13The tide of battle was turned in favor of the Angels across the globe, and the Enemy was too busy fighting to be concerned with the New Earth Compound. 14One and half years later, the last of the demons were removed from the earth and the Gate to Hell was closed by the Archangel Michael.
15Thus began the New Earth, a paradise free from the Enemy and all Evil.
16The following is a list of the citizens of the New Earth Compound.
17The Archangel Michael and Vessel Adam Milligan.
Michael acted as high commander among the Angels. Under Michael’s tutelage, Adam was elected First Judge and wisely arbitrated disputes among both Angels and Humans.
18 The Archangel Gabriel and Hunter Sam Winchester.
Gabriel actual occupation is unknown, but he and Sam were married shortly after the kidnapping. Sam recovered fully from the demon blood he was forced to imbibe. The two live in a house across from Sam’s brother Dean Winchester.
19 The Archangel Raphael and the Prophet Chuck Shurley.
Raphael faithfully protected Chuck and assisted him in editing his works. Chuck was married to Becky Rosen after the Gate to Hell was closed. They were happily married, and Becky was absolutely the best wife ever.
20 The Ophan Joshua and Nancy.
Joshua was in charge of restoring plant life across the damaged regions of New Earth. Nancy assisted him and later married and had three children. The first of which was the first child in New Earth.
21 The Ophan Metatron and Hunter Rufus Turner.
Metatron acted as the Voice of the Lord, carrying messages across the land. Rufus mostly stayed in the compound and remained good friends with Bobby Singer.
22 The Seraph Zachariah and FBI Agent Victor Henrickson.
The pair acted as a police force, but after the New Earth began their duties were strongly diminished.
23 The Seraph Uriel and Hunter Ellen Harvelle.
Uriel and Ellen trained the humans and young angels while in the compound. She remained close to her daughter, Jo.
24 The Seraph Castiel and Hunter Dean Winchester.
Castiel was promoted after the kidnapping of the seven for going above and beyond the call of duty. He and Dean were instrumental in closing the Gate to Hell. They married once New Earth was established, and worked on old cars, their favorite being the Impala.
25 The Angel Balthazar, Hunter Bobby Singer, and Demon Crowley.
Balthazar refused his promotion for his valor and chose to remain and angel. He was granted guardianship of the Demon Crowley, who was essential in the last days of fighting. The three lived near the Winchesters.
26 The Angel Virgil, Hunter Ash, and Hunter Garth Fitzgerald IV.
Virgil, Ash, and Garth were in charge of communications. They occasionally caused trouble.
27 The Angel Anna and Joanna Beth Harvelle.
Though she was not judged a traitor, Jo was not allowed to leave the compound until the Gate to Hell was shut. She and Anna work with her mother.
28 The Angel Hester and Charlie Bradbury.
Hester and Charlie work with Virgil. After dating on and off for five years, Charlie married the Angel Anna.
29 The Guardian Angel Inias and Prophet Kevin Tran.
Inias faithfully protected Kevin as he translated tablets used to close the Gate to Hell.
30 The Guardian Angel Samandriel and Becky Rosen.
Samandriel was promoted to full Guardian Angel. Becky married the Prophet Chuck and was an absolutely wonderful, fantastic, stupendous person. She collected and wrote stories about the citizens of New Earth.
31 The Reaper Tessa and Jessica Moore.
When not reaping, Tessa helped Jessica preserve historical artifacts from the Old Earth Time.
“You need to focus on the facts, Chuck. Leave out the relationships,” Raphael grumbled handing back Chuck’s rough draft. “You should leave out that part about Becky; it sounds unprofessional.
Chuck shrugged. “You tell her then. I’m not going to.” He scratched his head. “It’s weird writing about things in past tense - we’re all still alive.
“It’s the proper way.”
“It’s still weird.”
“After you finish this chapter, leave it on my desk, and I will edit it for you. I will be removing those parts about Becky.”
“I heard that and no you will not!” came a high-pitched voice from the other room.
Raphael stiffened, but Chuck just shrugged. “You’re on your own. You’d better fix it before we head over to Castiel and Dean’s for the barbeque. I don’t want her complain about ‘how rude you are’ the whole afternoon.”
“Very well. I will apologize now.” He whispered. “But you need to take it out.”
Chuck grinned. “We’ll see. Ask her if Samandriel finished icing the cupcakes. Gabriel will be ticked if we forget them.”
A half hour later, as the four of them walked down the sidewalk to Dean and Castiel’s house, he breathed in the fresh air, fragrant with Joshua’s flowers and absolutely clear and pure. He smiled. It was a good day to be alive.