
May 30, 2007 02:59

I absolutely love that people talk about shit that they know nothing about. How about we all try growing up and first of all not talking about other peoples business and personal lives. How about that for once?

I know that I'm not a bad person. Don't try and make me feel bad for doing what I want to do. If someone else fucks up don't take it out on me because that's just immature and ridiculous. We're how old now? Let's try concentrating on our own lives. If the past is in the past, just leave it there. Don't bring it back based on current actions because that's just looking for drama.

I'm just trying to enjoy my life, and I'm doing a hell of a good job at it so I'm pretty sure I don't deserve to be ridiculed by people that don't even know me anymore.

I would really appreciate if people would stay out of other people's business. Like, shit happens. so what? Shrug it off. If you're so busy having an awesome life why get involved in mine? I don't get it. And if your life is so boring that you have to talk about mine, then you might as well learn from it and live it up a little. Because honestly, it's the best feeling ever. Instead of talking about someones ridiculous actions, why not go out and do it for yourself? If you're so caught up in talking about it, then LIVE IT. It's obviously somewhat appealing to you if you're gonna dwell on it that much.

Enjoy your lives! I'm not telling anyone to stay out of mine. I love all of my friends and I don't want any of you out my life. But my personal life, if you find it disgusting or inappropriate, then don't think about it! Don't talk about it and don't even bother with it.

I don't go out of my way to intentionally hurt anyone so stop acting like I do. Sorry that when I make a decision I'm not thinking of everyone else in the world. If i want to do something that would make me happy or would be a good time, why hold back because other people don't have the same opportunities in their lives? That makes no sense.

You shit talking me isn't gonna change anything so just stop. This is me squashing it as of right now.

If you don't like my life and the things I do, then don't listen to it.

I'd be more than glad to be friends with everyone. I think i'm more than nice and sincere. I'm honest and I'm loyal. And a lot of the people do the same things I do. I don't betray anyone and I really think everyone needs to stop acting like I do.

Whatevs. This is ridiculous BRO. I don't talk about your life and the things you do so don't talk about mine. I don't bother with other peoples lives and decisions, I just bother with how and who they are as a person. I expect the same decency and respect. Because I am not a bad person and that's a fucking fact.

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