(You'll probably have to be logged in to view the links...and probably friended, and you probably still wont be able to see all of them.)
Well, first there were 2005 resolutions.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/110947.html January
January was kind of depressing, but indoor soccer was good.
soccer -
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/114375.htmlBekah and I were not together then, as we were having our little break. So things got wierd. I remember liking Stephanie Sell (
and Jessica Varney..and things are still awkard between Jessica and I because of that...but back then we were all good friends. I remember playing Catchphrase at Mere's house when everyone was happy and we were all friends -
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/114968.html Feburuary
Febururary was a lot better. Spring Hill was amazing, and after that I really missed Bekah. (
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/117760.html). We went running together, barefoot, in the snow, and we talked and it was good for us. I think God really brought us together there.
I got my licence in early Feburuary. I was supposed to fail, but got it anyway. I'm still not a very good driver...well, I'm very cautious.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/117407.html Bekah and I got back together on Valentines day.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/118074.htmlThat was wonderful. It was a painfull time when we were apart, but I think it put things in perspective for us.
Mom also got in her accident that month.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/119533.htmlWe got a new van which stillll doenst work well. It'll die soon and we'll need to buy somethign else.
March was fun. I did Tech for Wizard of Oz, and I remember putting up the fences. (
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/120599.html). I really liked that play because Carissia was an amazing singer and was a wonderfull Dorthy. That was a stressfull play though...I had to walk out onto the catwalk to lower some house. *so scared*
Not much else happened in March. It was mostly a month of, "Hey, who am I? Really?" mostly because of what was going on with Jessica and I.
April was a short month for updates. We went to Myrtle Beech and had lots of fun.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/124673.htmlI remember that Chris and Abby were really bad that time, so mom said that this year when we go it'd be her and dad, and me and bekah. Joy! So she might come with us this year, which would rock.
The whole, "every day is what you make it" thing carried on into that month, but it was pretty busy with school. (
May was also a short month. Lots of school projects, like the bio book. It was the month that I got in the NHS, which is cool...but I haven't had to do anythign for them yet. Um, I remember after the cermony we skipped and ate lunch, then went and watched the new (at the time) Star Wars (ep3). (
June started the summer, which was unbelievable.
I absolutely loved picnicing with Rebekah. (
After that, it was ASP.
I took some strange notes for that. (
That was pretty much it, plus Europe, which was somewhere around June or July.
Bekah and I had a great expierence together (
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/134237.html) at Wilson Park.
France and Spain :
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/135158.html Bekah and I also got togetehr and went to the nature park (
July was just a lot of swimming, reading, writing, hanging out. We picnic-ed as much as we could, and it was just an aweomse summer.
Started out good, still summer. I remember talkign with bekah about not having any classes (
Eventually though, the summer had to end.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/138457.htmlSchool started up. I dont have anything in my journal about the first day/week of school, except that we were all ready for the game against Grosse Ille. (
September was a long month. Lots of soccer games...That month was when we decided that we were done with Mere, because we were sick of the abuse. I remember being very excited for homecomming. (
September was a pretty busy month, but nothing I really remember, except Rini, the german girl that lived with Bekah for a while.
October was also a very long month. I remember homecomming a lot (
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/148837.html) and the amazing limo bus. Rock on! Later that month, we got Carolyn and Spencer together (
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/149922.html) but that didnt last.
Had a few good days with Bekah, and found out that Jesse has had sex. (
A few days after that, there was an issue at soccer and Sean got in trouble. (
I also remember the last football game very well, for some reason. It was fun. I remember wanting to hang out with Stephanie, but she had finally decided to date Luke, so I was alone for a while.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/153643.html Pretty busy with soccer that month, until it ended.
I started the month off making good freinds with a good girl.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/155108.htmlThen there was talk about the girls comming back.
Things still arnt going well with that whole thing....but November was good. Novermeber is always beautiful (
I remember that it snowed very early (
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/157705.html) - but we havent gotten any snow since then. Also, Harry Potter was awsome this year (
The friend status changed then, to the triangle. (
I love my love triangle.
November was a lot of, Oh, death is comming to us all. (
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/159541.html) - which has kinda stopped.
Thats about it for Nov.
December was amazing. I can't really look at it in retrospect yet, but it was a wonderful month for enhancing my relaionships with Bekah and Carolyn...but not a very good month for focusing my faith.
The play wraped up around the first week in December (
The next few weeks were fine...everyone was just looking to get out of school. When the friday finally came, it was awesome. We went to Mrs Kanitz' for breakfast.
A few days later we had that awesome WWYSE Christmas party.
December also had the worst day of my life...when Bekah got in her car accident. (
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/163963.html) I cried all the way to her house because I was so afraid...but everything was alright (except the car)
And then, finally, Christmas.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/whitewizard/164384.html Which brings us pretty much to today-ish...There was the whirlyball, but the best was the thing with Bekah
and just hanging out, waiting for school (
So, Resolutions
The top 6 of 2005:
[+]Become closer to God
[+]Become a better person
[+]Enjoy life
[+]Stop being pessismistic
[+]Be a better friend
[+]Find contenment
I think I did a good job with all of those.
So, they're the same for 06. Because I'm lame like that. =)