B2MEM Days 25, 26 and 28 - The Hidden Years in Tatooine

Mar 29, 2009 09:27

Sorry for the late update, I had almost excavate my room while looking for my old Star Wars book.  Thank goodness it's still there.

Day 25
What are your fondest memories of your childhood? And the saddest? Write briefly about a memory that is particularly powerful, whether it is happy or sad.

Day 26
Think of a teacher who played a key role in your life. What qualities about this person influenced you? Write briefly about this person: a short character sketch, scene, or conversation involving her or him.

Day 28
What's your favorite month of the year? Consider or write briefly about why this month is special. Picture your character during this month, his or her activities or reflections. Try to cover this in a story, poem or piece of art.

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Mahtan took the boys to the one place where Fëanor would not look for them: Back in Tirion in the Tatooine sector.

My six younger brothers and I grew up in the house of our Uncle Finarfin. He was a good sort of person and foster parent, but he was not able to keep my boisterous brothers in check so I had to step in many times. In a way, I was like their third parent.

Both our parents died when I was still young and I only have vague recollections of my father--who was tall and handsome, and my mother, strong and beautiful. My brothers and I are often sad about our being orphans, but at least we had each other.

Tirion had a very hot climate all year-round for it had two suns, G1 and G2. When the twins were being naughty (which was most of the time), we'd call them G1 and G2.

As part of our chores, my brothers and I would look after the vaporizers throughout the estate. The Vaporizers harvest moisture from the atmosphere. It was difficult work but it kept us busy most of the year except on the First Month, when it is nice and cold, and we do not need to work as hard. This is Maglor's favorite month for he hates the heat.

One day, Uncle Finarfin introduced us to Master Mahtan, or "Old Aulendur" as the people of Tirion called him. They considered him eccentric and odd only because they know nothing of where he came from and he kept mostly to himself. My brothers and I liked him immediately especially when Master Mahtan taught us about the Force.

Master Mahtan would come and go and our lessons with him were among the best memories of our younger years. Tyelkormo often disagrees with this however, because there was one time when the Master used the Force to alter his hair color every day. This went on for a whole month to teach him a lesson about his excessive vanity about his hair.

As we grew, we all learned to use the Force quite well. Curufin invented a better harvesting method with his ultra-efficient gadgets. Caranthir suggested that we have it patented, which gave us a comfortable living as a result.

Over the years, Master Mahtan's visits became less frequent, especially when we reached our majority. By this time, we have saved enough money to go to the Academy and train to become pilots. We had a difficult time convincing Uncle Finarfin to let us go for he seemed convinced that we might end up like our Father, who was a very good space pilot, we were told. Master Ben also told us that Darth Gothmog killed our father. We all made an Oath to avenge our father secretly.

One day, Maglor bought two damaged droids from a junk trader. Maglor had this weird habit of bringing home the most unusual objects: stray kittens, puppies, fallen tree limbs, damaged droids.  We were not suprised at all when we saw the battered droid in our workshop. We were all busy in front of our own worktables when he started to fix the hopeless-looking droid. G1 and G2 started to tease him about it when it suddenly bleeped to life and image was projected on the wall:

He was fixing the chassis when it suddenly bleeped to life and an image was projected on the wall: It was a young woman:

"General Mahtan, help me, my parents say that you are my only hope." And then she vanished. Maglor tried to view the rest of the message but the droid shut itself down.

"Who is she? She's beautiful," My brothers and I wondered.

"Let us find Master Mahtan and so we can give him her message."


b2mem, chibis

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