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Mar 21, 2006 10:49

I just thought that I'd share this article that I wrote for school a year or two ago. :)

The Christian Daughter

She is hard to find. A rare ruby indeed! A far contrast from the “normal” girl on the street; she stands out like a beam of light in a room of pitch darkness.

Christ rules in her heart, effecting every action. Her presence is not found in any place that she cannot take her Lord with her. She is not selfish, impulsive, easily angered, proud, boastful, grouchy, vain, lustful, or arrogant. Instead she is chaste, cheerful, courageous, gentle, humble, longsuffering, loving, meek, submissive, selfless, temperate, and full of faith.

She seeks to comfort those in distress and bring them to their Saviour. Because she is so pleasant to be around with, everyone enjoys her company. Very hospitable, her home is the home of the friendless, rejected wretches of humanity. She displays good manners to her guest and as a result they see Christ in her.

Neat and trim, she reveals her Christ-likeness in her dress. Wearing only things that are modest and yet attractive. She feels no need to wear costly jewels or to make up herself to something that she is not, for she realizes that a woman’s true beauty comes from within. Cheap things and expensive items never find their way to her closet. She has learned to be content without unnecessary, artificial adornment. Her simple dress tells the world who her Master is.

She does not seek to be like men as much as possible, but is content with the womanly role God gave her. Career is not her main objective in life but is merely secondary to serving God and taking care of her family. She cheerfully does every duty to the best of her ability.

Her home is clean and spacious. No extravagance is found there. Out in the country, her home is adorned with a lovely flower garden. Instead of trashy books and magazines, Bibles and other Christ-centered books load her book shelves.

She is always on time and orderly. Does not waste precious time but instead she weighs every moment with eternal consequences. She does not waste half the day away by sleeping in till noon. She lives by the motto. “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

Times do not always go smoothly for her. She has her trials too. But instead of murmuring and complaining of the unfortunate lot befallen her, she cheerfully bares her burden. God is her strength. She cast all her burdens upon Him for she knows that He cares for her.

Success in her life can basically be traced down to the fact that self is crucified with Christ. Therefore she no longer lives, but it is Christ that liveth in her.
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