May 21, 2008 22:46
haven't been here in a while.
uhm my life--
I went home for a couple days in April.
I passed Saccarelli's class with a B.
I haven't talked to Zach in three months.
I'm apparently really cute b/c I've mastered the art of getting free drinks and picking guys up at the bar club.
I love being 21.
Keegan told me he loves me on the phone friday from Iraq--I cried.
I've mastered the art of blended margaritas.
I've heard the voices of Wesley and Keegan for the first time in three months.
Lacy's getting married and I can't wait for the wedding.
Only one year left and I'm done as an undergrad at SDSU.
My sister is amazing and very funny.
Melissa's coming out for a week.
I'm happy. I really am.