Happy Mother's Day

May 09, 2010 09:00

Too all the mothers out there. I hope this day is truly special for you all.

In other news, things have been quite busy for me as always. Still working two jobs, seven days a week. My roommate is moving out at the end of May so, I'll probably end up putting out an ad for a new roomie to move in by July. I want to see how I can manage the apartment on my own for a month or two. If I can afford to keep it on my own, I may do so. Kinda tired of living with other people. Like to fly solo for awhile.

In the mean time, I'm buying furniture. Not much to replace luckily. Only a couch, a fridge, a bookcase and a TV stand. Craigslist is a wonderful thing.

I do hope to finally reduce my work load as well. I'm getting to the point where I maybe able to drop my weekend job and enjoy a normal work schedule. Car is paid off and now only one credit card to take care of.

I just realized I need a new  LJ profile picture. The lego one is very out of date.
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