Jan 13, 2006 02:18
I've noticed that there's a new emphasis on group work in many of the English Lit courses at U of T. After doing some research online, I've confirmed that this is written about in the educational mandates of the UN/Globalist/NWO cabal. Having to work in a group, as equals, each pulling his or her own weight, and failing or succeeding as a unit is a disgusting communistic idea meant to instill conformity and mediocrity. This new group work is not a tutorial, where you meet in a smaller section with a TA but still write essays and tests on your own. No, this is doing your coursework as a group, without a TA to instruct you.
They really aren't trying to hide the brainwashing agenda of modern "education" anymore; it's all out in the open. If they really wanted students to develop their intellects, the last thing they'd do is force them into a situation where majority rules and you're ignored or criticized if you don't agree with the general consensus. Oh well, I'll get through it, with a sense of humour and open eyes.