
May 04, 2006 14:51

I have been meaning to post pics of my beautiful girl for some time but kept forgetting to host them..

I must warn you that all of her current pics were taken with a Phone Camera and SHE HATES THE PHONE CAMERA..Not to mention some of them came out sort of crappy =/.

I swear I do not harm my matter how freaked out she looks..She truly loathes pictures now that she is older.. *she hit the big 1 yr recently*.. She is taking it pretty hard.

Audra at 5 months.. She was so cute..Still is.

Audra not happy that mom woke her up from her nap with her elephant *which is now destroyed to barely a patch of cloth*

Audra giving me a look like "please get that stupid camera phone out of my face please!"

The cuddly essence of pug look..

Audra hiding/taking a break from her new baby sister..AN ENGLISH MASTIFF!

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